Monday the 3 July cut oats with reaper & 3 cradles
until noon then bound uip verry Dry & to day
no rain for 3 bucks but one light shower out
corn is dying in the top & looks like it would
all dye if it did not rain soon my premium
corn is fireing & Twist up until it looks
like it certainly will die soon.
Our oats is verry good the best I have
ever raised we have 55 Acres in the field
west of Fosters house in oats
not quite so warm to day 93 deg
Teusday the 4th July 1854 Cut oats all day before
dinner with 5 cradles & in the afternoon bound
up no rain to day but in the afternoon
there were some showers passing verry hot today
Ther 96
Wednesday the 5 July 1854 Run 5 cradles till noon
Then bound a while and a light shower
come over & stoped us it rained but verry little
just enought to lay the dust
Cut premium Oast to day 98 Doz on 1 Acre
Thursday the 6 July 1854 Cut Oats with 4 cradles
until non then Tied up no rain to day
fine rain passing about best we get more
The Davie County Agricultural Society held its
meeting here to day verry warm to day (Ther 96
Friday the 7th July 1854 Finished cutting oats
with 2 cradles before noon run 2 waggons
Halling in oats until noon in the after
noon we had a light shower of rain and
a verry hard wind from the No Eth Tangled
our corn verry much a great deal of it is
lying flat on the ground & I think will
die if it dont rain soon verry hot
to day moved the lot by Dry kill in
the evening
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