Raleigh, N. C., September 28, 1932
The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University met in the Governor's office on the above date, His Excellency Governor O. Max Gardner presiding.
The following members were present;
Mrs. J. W. Cone
John Sprunt Hill
Walter Murphy
Miss Easdale Shaw
Judge John J. Parker
Josephus Daniels
Charles Whedbee
S. B. Alexander
Haywood Parker
Leslie Weil
H. M. London, Secretary.
President Frank P. Graham, President E. C. Brooks and President J. I. Foust were also present.
The Secretary read a letter form Br. Clarence Poe regretting his inability to be present due to a previous business engagement in another State.
Mr. Daniels moved that a committee be appointed to present to the full Board of Trustees resolutions of respect to the memory of the late Charles W. Gold. Seconded and carried. The following were appointed on this committee: Dr. Clarence Poe, Chairman, Josephus Daniels and S. B. Alexander.
The following committee was also appointed to present to the full Board of Trustees resolutions of respect to the memory of the late A. A. Shuford: Walter Murphy, Chairman, George L. Lyerly and W. T. Shore.
Dr. Brooks reported on the recent robbery of the safe in the business office at State College, which resulted in a net loss of $4,700.
Dr. Foust reported on the recent fire at the Woman's college doing $27,000 damage but fully covered by insurance. He recommended that a subcommittee be appointed to work with him in adjusting the whole situation, if so desired. He said that he would like to have the counsel and help of this committee. Mr. Daniels moved that a sub-committee be appointed to work with Dr. Foust in making settlement of this insurance and that they make such recommendations to the Executive
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