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2 revisions
kennedygrace at Oct 24, 2023 02:02 PM


Not that they're beat by thieves or worse But bruised black by Noah's curse Stand back, who say with silent brow Sir, we are holier than thou.. These are the passengers we want An such we'll have by hook or Slant Says Cap- Snug & every hand Shall do his best the same to land If not in Orleans in Spring creek To cool & cleans them for a week From dirt & drink - both bad tis true And Pharisees Tempers too But spring creek's swelling surge These latter mentioned cannot purge Nor less than Bariphlegethon If so by Joe will ship them on Fourteenth of June in eighteen forty two 'Tis said by some, perhaps it may be true That Solomon, tho' neither King nor Jew But campbellite & acting esquire too By virtue of his office firmly tied Henry to Mary as his lawful bride Mary, as bait by fishermen thrown out Took first a Clark & now has caught a Troutt The first escaped in backanalian floods And left, they say his Mary in the suds But Troutt to Bacchus not a devotee Will hold the bait till death death shall

Not that they're beat by thieves or worse
But bruised black by Noah's curse
Stand back, who say with silent brow
Sir, we are holier than thou..
These are the passengers we want
An such we'll have by hook or Slant
Says Cap- Snug & every hand
Shall do his best the same to land
If not in Orleans in Spring creek
To cool & cleans them for a week
From dirt & drink - both bad tis true
And Pharisees Tempers too
But spring creek's swelling surge
These latter mentioned cannot purge
Nor less than Bariphlegethon
If so by Joe will ship them on
Fourteenth of June in eighteen forty two
'Tis said by some, perhaps it may be true
That Solomon, tho' neither King nor Jew
But campbellite & acting esquire too
By virtue of his office firmly tied
Henry to Mary as his lawful bride
Mary, as bait by fishermen thrown out
Took first a Clark & now has caught a Troutt
The first escaped in backanalian floods
And left, they say his Mary in the suds
But Troutt to Bacchus not a devotee
Will hold the bait till death death shall


l.ot that they're beat by thieves or worse But bruised black by Noah's curse Stand baok, who say with silent brow Sir, we are holier than thou.. These are the passengers we want An such we'll have by hook or Slant 3ays Cap- Snug &. evory hand Shall do his best the same to land If not in Orleans in Spring creek To cool &. cleans them for a week From dirt & drink - both bad tis true And Pharisees Tempers too But spring creek's swelling surge These latter mentioned cannot purge Nor less than Bariphlegethon If so by Joe will ship them on Fourteenth of June in eighteen forty two 'Tis said by some, perhaps it may be true That Solomon, tho' neither King nor Jew But campbellite & acting esquire too By virtue of his office firmly tied Henry to Mary as his lawful bride Llary, as bait by fishermen thrown out Took first a Clark & now has caught a Troutt The first escaped in backanalian floods And left, they say his Mary in the suds But Troutt to Bacchus not a devotee Will hold the bait till death death ffiftii