Diary 74-05: May, 1898 - preliminary transcript





that our fleet was uninjured -- and we lost no men -- only six wounded, none seriously --

Monday May 9

Clear warm & springlike -- Worked hard at my rewriting journal job -- No specially exciting war news -- all waiting on Sampson's movements -- Evening lively down town -- Reno boys enlisted at Carson were expected home on a 36 hour furlough by evening train at 8 -- Band, and GAR veterans were on hand to receive them -- marched through streets -- and to the armory -- much enthusiasm -- Bed 11 -- Dewey has not only been made Rear Admiral, but received the thanks of Congress for his brave and [blank] action --

Summary of the Manila Victory -- 1898 A New Sword for Rear Admiral Dewey University Cadets Parade

Tuesday May 10

Same -- Busy at my journal job -- Following summary is from Sunday's SF Examiner -- The SF Chronicle's information is: 1200 Spaniards killed & wounded and our damages amount to $6,000 -- The University Cadets were out on drill parade with band and marched through the principal streets of Reno --

52 -- Journal Job Half Completed -- Judge Rives Carson celebrates Dewey's Victory -- Our Troops Latest War News -- Spanish Retribution

Wednesday May 11

Same -- Worked hard & got my journal job half finished, or to July 1 --

Last edit about 4 years ago by dweiss59


Down town this evening I met Judge Rives at the Arcade -- Arrived from eastern part of State this morning and went to Carson & back this PM -- Carson celebrated Dewey's victory today, military, music, speeches in Capitol park -- genuine patriotic picnic -- The Reno contingent, 25 or 30, went back on morning train, from their furlough -- Sampson is looking out for the Spanish War fleet, but don't find it -- reported to have gone back to Spain -- Embarkation of troops from Tampa for Cuba reported to have commenced today -- Two or three ships will sail from San F by end of the week, with 2 or 3 thousand troops for Dewey & Manila -- more to follow as soon as possible --It is stated that Admiral Montijo of the defeated Spanish fleet escaped capture by running along the shore of the harbor,

Spanish Retribution Interesting -- Summary of Dewey's Work -- 1898

with his two sons to Manila -- The citizens enraged by his defeat just pounced on him and killed him -- The San Francisco Call sums up Dewey's work. The most practical point for exploration

54 -- Brunswick Lode From Sutro Tunnel

of the Brunswick lode is the Sutro tunnel level. When the Brunswick exploration commenced, a couple of years ago, this could not be done, but now the Tunnel company have come to an agreement in the matter and the deep merits of the lode will be practically developed forthwith -- The Va Chronicle of last evening -- May 10th, says:

Last edit about 4 years ago by dweiss59


Thunder Showers -- Judge Rives Departs -- 1898 Fatal Fight at Cardenas -- 5 Americans Killed & 4 wounded Invasion of Cuba -- Spanish Victory at Cardenas

Thursday May 12

Variable -- light showers of rain PM & evening -- Busy on journal some & down town some -- Was with Judge Rives awhile in evening, and saw him off on the eastbound train at 9, going to Eureka, Elko and Salt Lake -- War news not heavy -- Three of our gunboats had engagement with Spanish gunboats and batteries in harbor of Cardenas, Cuba and got worsted, the smallest gunboat the Winslow getting 5 men killed and 5 wounded by a shell bursting among them -- Machinery also disabled by a big shot, & she had to be towed out by another boat -- Other engagements reported -- San Juan, Puerto Rico being bombarded, etc -- More American troops being landed in

56 -- For Cuba and the Philippines -- Heavy Rain Sampson's Fleet Bombards & Captures Puerto Rico The Big Spanish War Fleet on Hand -- Good Bill Passed

Cuba Troops for the Philippines get away Saturday from San Francisco -- Cruiser Charleston goes Sunday -- Bed 11 -- Very cloudy & dark -- light rain --

Friday May 13

Variable -- Several light thunder showers during the PM, and about sunset very heavy rains for an hour or two -- I stayed at home all day journalizing -- Evening down town -- Bed 11 -- cloudy but not raining -- Great official war news -- Sampson's fleet destroyed the principal fortifications of San Juan,

Last edit about 4 years ago by dweiss59


Puerto Rico, in a three hours bombardment with loss of only one man killed and seven wounded -- Fleet uninjured -- The place surrendered -- The Spanish Cape, Verde squadron was sighted off Martinique and Sampson is perhaps having a lively picnic with it also --

Nevada Troops off for the War -- Rain Merrick Booth -- 1898

Saturday May 14

Cloudy, with occasional showers in the PM & evening -- War news very indefinite & unsatisfactory -- Merely confirmatory & speculative -- This evening's train at 8, brought down the cavalry company enlisted at Carson, bound for rendezvous at Cheyenne to be attached to a regiment there and probably be ordered to Chickamauga shortly -- Big town excitement and receptions, previously arranged -- Company C and Signal Corps, of Reno, G.A.R. veterans -- and the University Cadets were all on hand to receive and honor our brave soldier boys and see them off for the war -- In fact the whole population seemed to be at the depot -- A big bonfire blazed on the open square just below the Palace -- There being no time for a march through the streets as intended, all countermarched up up and down and around the bonfire, halting on Hunter st, facing the Palace to be addressed from the balcony of the Palace -- Professor Bray presided and spoke, followed by F H Norcross and Rev F C Lee -- Band played patriotic music, and everybody cheered & felt good -- Merrick Booth is one of this accepted troop --

Last edit about 4 years ago by dweiss59


58 -- First Nevada Troops Off for the War

84 in all, including three officers -- They boarded the east bound train and left about 9 o'clock -- Then the people subsided homeward -- Governor Sadler came down from Carson with our soldier boys and I met him -- He says he will have another troop organized and ready shortly -- Enlistment rapidly progressing already, the surplus of this first troop joining it -- Probably go to Manila -- This is Reno's second view of the war in the shape of soldiers rushing to the front -- the first being Lieut Hubbard who left here in a troop by himself April 21 -- Bed 12 -- cloudy -- This cavalry troop just departed consists of:

War New Summary -- 1898 1st Nevada Cavalry -- Gunboat Winslow Avenged

60 -- War News Quiet -- Tim Dempsey Very Sick Journal Job completed -- The Time it Takes

Sunday May 15

Cloudy & colder with a few light showers -- I wrote hard, as usual on my Journal job and have it completed down the last month December -- Was down town in evening -- No later war news -- Sampson don't find the Spanish fleet he is after -- Met Ed Higgins from Carson on the evening train and he told me Dempsey is very sick last three or four days, confined to his bed and liable to die shortly -- Frank Folsom is running the saloon for him -- Bed 11 --

Last edit about 4 years ago by dweiss59
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