
A woman named Jean writes to Joan about the complications and tensions with her ex-husband since the divorce.




c/o Pisar Real Estate, King St. Sunday Christiansted, St. Croix

Dear Joan;

Have wanted to write for days about the articles I left behind in my mad rush that final morning. There were two silk knit blouses in a drawer in the bathroom, and a red cashmere sweater. If it is not too much trouble, please send to me c/o My Mother in New York:

Mrs. J. G. Lidgerwood 325 East 72nd St.

[other handwriting: Ans May 20 1966]

Your "little Bobby" Schlesinger has certainly complicated my life. The day before we came down here [illegible] strong expecting to go to my house he called me to say that his wife had refused to leave it! We are at a hotel while I've had to hire an attorney whom I hope will try to evict her this coming week. Bob is running around -- with a 21 yr. old little bitch -- (I loathe the word)

Last edit about 3 years ago by Trinity Goldsmith


who seems to have slept with anyone who would have her, but his prime interest appears to be her grand father's millions!

The ace in the hole is the fact that another agent (a friend) actually sold the house, and my expenses can all be deducted from Bob's share of the commission. There will be action one way or another tomorrow, and we will definitely move to a house somewhere. All very frustrating, I assure you.

Let me know the postage, please, and I will reimburse you.

I tried to reach Jane the night before I left, but received no answer to several attempts.

My very best to you and Harry and your staff. Also Harold Hirth and anyone else who is still there. I hope the group is improving for your sakes --

Fondly, Jean

Last edit about 3 years ago by Trinity Goldsmith
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