[Recipe book]; [manuscript].; Receipt book

[England, 1780-1850] Begins with an 18th-century, undated section of medical recipes, primarily for horses and other animals, but with some remedies for worms in children, ague, heart burn, rheumatism, etc. (p. 1-26), with a listing of the contents of this section on f. i recto. Remainder of the volume comprises culinary recipes for meats, cheeses, puddings, preserves, pickles; mead, wine, shrubs, and other beverages, with a few medical recipes interspersed (p. 40-165). The last section of the volume beginning on p. 107 includes some dates, 1803-1836, and attributions for most of the recipes included; the most frequently occurring names are Mrs. J. Arden Clegg or Isabella Clegg and Miss Barber. One attribution includes a place name, "Mrs. Christopherson, Sutterton, 1803." Other surnames include Barton, Carhill, Carrington, Collin, Forbes, Hamilton, Harrison, Horsley, Howe, Hughes, Parkinson, Urquhart, and Ware; plus the full names Gentle Brown and Charlotte Jones. A few recipes are attributed to "Enquire Within."


p. 56

p. 56

56 To make a Rich Great Cake

Take a peck[?] of flour well dryed an ounce of Clover and mace half an ounce of Nutmeg or as much Cinnamon beat the Spices well and mix them with your flour a pound an half of Sugar a Little Salt and thirteen pounds of Currans well washed picked and dryed and three pounds of Raisins Stoned and Cut into Small pieces mix all these well together then make 5 pints of Cream almost Scaling hot and put into it 4 pounds of fresh Butter then beat the Yolks of 20 Eggs 3 pints of good Ahe[?] yeast a pint of Sack a quarter of orange flour water 3 Grams of musk and six Grams of Ambergrease[?] Mix these together and Stir them into your Cream and Butter then mix all in the Cake and Set it an hour before the fire to Rise[?] before you put it into your Hoop mix your Sweet Meats in it two pounds of Citron and one pound of Candid pill and Lemmon pill Cut it in Small pieces you must Bake it in a deep Hoop Butter the Sides and put

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Mick
p. 57

p. 57

57 two papers at the Bottom and flour it and put in your Cake It must have a quick oven four hours will bake it when it is Drawn Ice it over the Top and Sides Take two pounds of double refined Sugar beat and Sifted and the whites of Six Eggs beaten to a froth with 3 or 4 Spoonfulls of orange flour water and 3 Grams of musk and Ambergrese together put all these into a Mortar and beat them with a pestll[pestle?] till it is as white as snow and with a Brush or Bunch of feathers[?] Spread it all over the Cake and put it in an oven but take Care the oven does not discolour it when it is Cold paper it __ it will keep good five or six weeks.

To Iug a Hare Take your Hare and Case her then Cut it in pieces and put in a Iugg a faggott of Herbs and onion pepper and Salt it to your Tast[e?] then put in a pint of water and Bitt of Butter and mind that you save the Blood and put it in __ so done.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Mick
p. 58

p. 58

58 To make an Orange Pudding

Take five Large Sevile oranges and Grate off the Rind as far as the are yellow then put your orange in fair water abd let them boil til they are tender then Cut them open and take away the Seeds and Strings and beat the other part in a mortar with half a pound of Sugar till it is a past[e] then put in the Yolks of Six Eggs three or four Spoonfulls of thick Cream and a half a Naples Biskett Grated mix these together and melt a pound of Butter and stir it well in when it is Could put a bit of juice puff[?] past about the Brim and Bottom of your Dish and put it in and Bake it 3 quarters of an hour.

To make Flumery

Take a Gang of Calves feet 2 ounces of Hartshorn Shavings and three Quarts of water and Boyl[Boil] it to a jelly One pint of Rhemish and Quart of Cream and three ounces of almonds Blanched and Beat with a Little Rhemish and Sweeten it to your taste and Lemon pill Boil it so make it in patty panns.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Mick
p. 59

p. 59

59 To make a Marrow Pudding Take white Bread Stoop it in milk Then take a Layer of Bread and a Layer of fruit and marrow then a Quart of Cream and light Eggs boyl them together and pour them on the pudding.

To Pickle Kidney Beans

Take them when very young top and tail them put them into white wine vinegar with Salt and a little whole pepper a Raco of Ginger cutt grop Let them lye in the Cold Pickles Nine days then Boyl your pickle and put the Beans in let them but just boyle then take them off the fire and Stove them down Clove Set them by then put them on again So do six times[ till they are as green as grass then put them into an earthen pot lye it down Close with a Leather and they will keep all the year the same way you may do Cucumber or parslin Stalks.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Mick
p. 60

p. 60

60 To Collar Eels. Take an Eel and Slit it down the Back then take out the Bones and Cleanse it within then wash it very well and Season it with peper Cloves mace and Ginger and Roll it up as hard as you Can and lay a Leaf or two of Bays between every Roll then Sow [sic] it up Close in a thin Cloth and boyle [sic] it in a pickle of vinegar and water of each alike so much as may Cover your Roll and boyle while you think it enough

To Pickle Colly Flowers [sic] Take the whitest and Closest Collyflowers cut them the length of a finger from the stalks and boyl [sic] them in a Cloth with half milk and half water but don't boyl them tender then take them out Carefully and Set them by to Cool then take white wine vinegar Cloves and mace a Little whole white pepper and a Bay Leaf, so let those boyl well in the vinegar and Set the pickle to Cool then put in your Collyflowers and in three Days they may be Eat - The sauce may Pickle white Cabbage Stalks young Turnips, but pare them pretty thick & Cut them the bigness of Mushrooms.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by PattyGilson
Displaying pages 56 - 60 of 169 in total