p. 38




Status: Complete

have a [piggon?] dried well by the fire, have the
salt washed well from the butter cream it well
beat the whites & yolks seperately, when the
whites are beaten to a froth, put it to the yolks,
have the sugar beat very fine & sifted, put the
flour sugar eggs spice & 1/2 glap of wine in the [piggon?]
to the butter & beat it well until it is quite light pour
it in the pan & bake it, have more fire at the bottom
of the oven, than on the top particularly if the
cake should be large

To make preserve Orange peel
Boil your peel in two or 3 waters, then put to each
lb of peel 1 lb of loaf sugar. put them all ^on together

To make currant jelly
Put your currants in a stone jar tye it up & put it over
the fire in a pot of water boil it one hour, strain them
through a flannel bag & to every pt of juice put one
lb of loaf sugar. then sit it to stew over a slow fire
until it is done. then set it in the sun a day or two

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