676 [=37] (V.2)


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2 revisions
kishman at Sep 01, 2020 12:48 PM

676 [=37] (V.2)


gained by the successful main-
-tenance of the drainage line
laying aside the advantages in
an economical point of view of
obtaining 6.25 feet in depth of
building free from the interruptions
of water, it gave us the means of
draining the country lying on
the right bank of the canal, by
masonry channels carried under
the canal itself; and it instantly
removed one of the greatest of all
our impedimenta: it enabled
us to relieve the upper side of
the Rutmoo from inundations,
and to protect to a certain extent
the revetments which were con-
-nected with the springs, from
the injurious [tendency that their, struck through]
action ^[the latter] might have upon the
masonry work.

[note in left margin: "Wiltshier"]

Having described the most
interesting preliminary period
of this undertaking, we now come
to the [point, struck through] time when masony work
was commenced, and when the
curbs or neemchuks for the blocks
were laid down. The abrupt
curve which the canal takes
on its approach to the Rutmoo
is tangential to alignments
which meet each other at an
angle of °117 .. [11'?] .. 10" ; this curved
channel is protected on each
side by masonry revetments
which abut upon a bridge of
cross communication. Below
this bridge the line bears directly
upon Roorkee, and the canal
proceeds forward to the rutmoo
between masonry revetments
of a similar description to

676 [=37] (V.2)