p. 128
we put back & anchored in
Kyauk Phyoo at 9 0clock
in the evening an earthquake
occurred the particulars of which
I must duly chronicle,
[in it struck through]] the first suspicious indications
of there being some convulsion about
to place was that given by the
barometer which as the weather was
threatening was frequently referred to
the mercury jumped a good deal &
Mr. Johnston reported having ob
served the slow wave at the
entrance to Kyauk Phyoo harbour
instead however of the atmosphere
having that closeness & oppresivness
usually said to precede an earthquake
the rain was incessant accompanied
with some wind. At 1/2 past three
in the afternoon [while struck through] we > had just been
[sitting struck through] > sat to dinner in the
gun room when a trembling
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