p. 52




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[sideways on the page] Mrs. Hagget called on Mother. E. Culbert called.

Tuesday. Rained in the morning but was very pleasant in the afternoon. Mary Willet called. Mr. Peek from Rochester took tea with us, and staid over night. In the evening Natty and I attended a very interesting meeting of the Williamsburgh Dispensary at the Dutch Refomed Church.
Wednesday. Very pleasant. Carrie spent the day in Brooklyn. I was not very well or I should have accompanied her. Went out shopping in the morning. Early in the afternoon Mrs. Kilgour brought Annie to our house in her carriage. Annie has been spending a couple of days with them and Maggie is also with them at present. Annie looked well and cheerful and has come to stay with us till tomorrow. -- Henry Hudson called. Starr and Mr. Murphy came over at tea time.
Thursday. Cloudy and cold. Starr left soon after breakfast. I commenced working a work-basket for Harriet. The day passed very pleasantly, our little Annie being in very good spirits and more than usually talkative. She left us about 4 P.M. Before dark it commenced snowing quite hard. H. H. made an engagement yesterday, to accompany me to Lyceum tonight but the storm kept us both at home. Leigh Dickinson spent the eveing with Carrie. --H. Stearns called P.

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