p. 62




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Tuesday, March 16th.. Went into Grand st of an errand, and
called on Mrs Tucker. Sewed in the afternoon

Wednesday.. Rained in the morning and snowed in the
afternoon.. Received a box from Mrs Leager and
Ellen containing two very pretty boxes, crochet patterns
a worsted pattern and letters from Ellen and her
mother to Carrie and I. We were much pleased
with them all. -- Mr & Mrs Hudson, Kate and
Henry came over in the afternoon and took tea with
us. Mr Murphy was also here and George He came in
the evening. We had a very pleasant time both in
the afternoon and evening. We had prayers and sing-
-ing together about half-past ten and soon after they
left. Mr Hudson presented Father with a $20 bank note

Thursday.. Cloudy and damp. Wrote to Ellen Leager.
Cornelius who has been complaining for the last two
weeks was suddenly taken very ill with the rheumatism
and the doctor was called. He was put to bed, the
Doctor's prescriptions attended to and he soon felt much
better. Sarah Wilde spent the afternoon here.

She has improved a little during her long sojourn from
home but is herself still. She amused us very much
Henry Hudson called and accompanied me to Lyceum
in the evening. The Rev Mr. Pierpont delivered his celebrated
poem on New England. It was received with much applause

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