p. 77




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Monday Pleasant but windy. Sewed in the morning - went out
shopping with Kate in the afternoon and called on Ellen Dickinson
Mary Reeve made a long, pleasant call. Ed Daniel spent the
evening here. We girls spent some time in singing before
we retired.
Tuesday July 20th. Warm and pleasant. Bells were tolled
and cannons fired at sunrise and sunset. About two
o'clock Kate, myself and the boys went to New York to
witness the funeral honors of Henry Clay. Met [Natty?] on
the other side of Rockship? ferry and he escorted us safely
through the crowded streets to the Bowery where he had
engaged seats for us in the second story windows of the
store of Smith and Conant. To Mr Smith we were introduced
at the door - he politely led the way up stairs, seated us
and helped us to some iced water which, after our hasty walk
in the hot sun, we found very refreshing. In about fifteen
minutes the procession commenced passing and did not
conclude till six o'clock. Though it was a magnificent
sight I soon became very much fatigued and only remained
till the conclusion on Kate's account, who never having
seen anything of the kind before was anxious to see it
all. On leaving Natty urged us to go to Broadway and
refresh ourselves with some ice-cream. I was very
unwilling but as Kate and Nat were so desirous to go
I consented but we had no ice-cream however. Broadway
was a perfect jam and getting through the crowd as quickly as
possible we hastened home. I was very much fatigued, even more
so than Kate who says she can stand a great deal more than I can
[if?] she is [a southerner?].

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