p. 157




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Friday. June 18th Heat somewhat lessened. Aunt Graves,
cousin Mary Jane and Louisa spent the day with us.
They returned about five in the afternoon. I then went
out on several errands. Received a long letter from
Sarah Gonsalves. Mother received a letter from Father
Evening in reading retired early.
Saturday.. Very warm. Did not feel very active __ this warm
weather weakens me. Harriet went to Brooklyn in
the afternoon. In the evening received a letter from
Mrs Kent who is now in the N. Y.
Soon after tea George Hudson called, being on another
visit to our city. He says Kate's health is very poor
and urged us to visit her as soon as possible; this we
promised to do if circumstanceswould permit.
He staid awhile and on leaving as we all stood in the
hall who should walk up but Mr T. W. Jr. Poor fellow
he felt caught! __ He was dressed in the most outlandish
style and his manners corresponded. Fortunately he
did not stay long but went off with George.
Wrote in my journal.
Sunday.. Very pleasant. Attended our church in the morning.
Father preached. I. Wilde accompanied me home
Afternoon at home. In the evening Natty and I attended
Mr Beecher's church. I. W. andMary R. were there and
walked home with us.

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