Diaries: 1944 July 3-1944 August 19; 1944 August 20-1944 September 13; Loose material from diaries



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[strikethrough] disturb [/strikethrough] bother me. Today, on the street car I could hardly see. It is better tonight though.

Since 10 p.m. disturbing flights are announced from north and east. As I had four hours [strikethrough] attendance [/strikethrough] watch duty last night, I do not mind very much, am in bed and intend to have my sleep. One of our clerks at Oti [strikethrough] (they were [/strikethrough] drafted for labour service [strikethrough] ) [/strikethrough] came back [strikethrough] these days, [/strikethrough] today. Boys in their [strikethrough] last high [/strikethrough] senior year of school. [strikethrough] year. [/strikethrough] They [strikethrough] are [/strikethrough] were digging trenches for a [strikethrough] gigant aerodrom [/strikethrough] airport in the vicinity of Kenderes the regent’s estate. Allegedly they were sent [strikethrough] to work, [/strikethrough] there [strikethrough] because the G.s wished to take them too out of the [/strikethrough] in order to save them from the G.s. [strikethrough] country [/strikethrough].

Jews, who were [strikethrough] christened [/strikethrough] baptized recently, were told by their priests quite positively: there will be no further deportations.

July 15, Satur.

Nothing [strikethrough] came out of [/strikethrough] happened last night [strikethrough] night’s alarms. [/strikethrough]. This morning I was awaken again on radio [strikethrough] alarms [/strikethrough] alerts. Well, this seems to be life.

Afternoon. The whole day long disturbing flights over the [strikethrough] town [/strikethrough] city. At 4 p.m. people saw clearly about

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fourteen bombers, flying at high altitude. [strikethrough], but visible. [/strikethrough] No [strikethrough] flack [/strikethrough] AAC, no bombs dropped. [strikethrough] Allegedly [/strikethrough] We hear there were leaflets dropped, promising a hot Sunday (for tomorrow), but I do not [strikethrough] believing [/strikethrough] believe in such [strikethrough] afore sayings [/strikethrough] forewarnings. It is people’s phantasy working [strikethrough] more eagerly than else [/strikethrough] overtime.

My clerk tells me, she has seen this morning a [strikethrough] very big [/strikethrough] large number of Jews arriving at the Eastern RR Station with [strikethrough] the HÉV [/strikethrough] a local, bundles, all. Police escort, I do not see, what can it mean?

People talk much about it, that in case of raids it would be much better if [strikethrough] our flack [/strikethrough] AAC would not work. It makes the biggest noise, disturbs bombers to drop their load on [strikethrough] unwanted [/strikethrough] unplanned objects and with shooting down about 2% [strikethrough] (at most) [/strikethrough] of the aircrafts, does not deter them from future raids. And how much it costs and what organization it needs!

July 16 Sunday.

The morning began with alarms at the north of the country, soon afterwards at the south too. I was due to Eszterke, so I hurried to get

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out of town as quick as possible. At Szép Ilona though the sirens stopped our streetcar and everybody had to get out and disperse in the woods. I remembered that the Bilkei Paps house is not so far and that second all probabilities I can reach it, so I did. I did not find at home but Fica, the junior. We talked the alarm over, there was no raid over us, but, I suppose over Vienna. At 11 a.m. it was over and I could go on my way to Eszter. The Paps seem to be very pro-G. Fica is studying medicine, [strikethrough] it is [/strikethrough] in his [strikethrough] first year. [/strikethrough] freshman year. At Eszter we had a nice but very hot day, she is, what I expected from her, very honest and correct in her views about recent events. As I came home, I had to walk until Szép Ilona as the streetcars were so full and people hanging on the stairs in bunches. At home a 'phone from Marcsi, [strikethrough] allegedly [/strikethrough] they are going to Madrid, Jenő as [strikethrough] chief of the [/strikethrough] press chief [strikethrough] agent * [/strikethrough] for our legation! [strikethrough] People are incorrigible. But a [/strikethrough] To stay [strikethrough] at [/strikethrough] in Spain would be rather convenient in these times, to be out of the war.

*sajtófőnök? sajtóattaché?

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[strikethrough] Since 9 45 p.m. alarms on our radio again. There is much talk these days about our impending national tragedy. I suppose, it is so but in a different interpretation. In consequence of present circumstances the nation will be impregnated with foreign elements (see illegitimate births) and involved into foreign interests ([strikethrough] if [/strikethrough] having done mergers between Hungarian and foreign companies, banks, etc.). Our middleclass has been mixed already with foreign blood (intermarriages), this is the explanation for its present behaviour. If in the future our lower strats will consist in greater number out of this certain type of citizens, who’s chief characteristic\ is, they like to march in parades and accept every thing without criticism, we shall be really lost and the country nothing else, but a “Lebensraum” for foreigners. [/strikethrough]

July 17. Monday.

My pen is [strikethrough] an [/strikethrough] under repair. An uneventful day. Early the afternoon a patient, Mrs Láng here. [strikethrough] Since then [/strikethrough] I am cooking my evening meal and besides

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reading Churchill, [strikethrough] still [/strikethrough] the first volume. It is slow reading, at least the years 1911-1914 were, from the beginning of World War I on it is more interesting, though [strikethrough] second [/strikethrough] in my opinion at some places going too much into details.

My feet are swelling, they begin to be the feet of a “middle aged” person. Sorry for them, it was so [strikethrough] agreable [/strikethrough] pleasant to have slender feet. A continuous care is needed for my skin. [strikethrough] [?] wrinkles too [/strikethrough] Face, neck and hands. I [strikethrough] should [/strikethrough] do not mind wrinkles so much, but I know, how [strikethrough] disagreeable [/strikethrough] unpleasant it is to look at an unkempt person. [strikethrough] So [?] along! [/strikethrough]

Eszter had a visit recently [strikethrough] by [/strikethrough] from Mrs Felsőbuky Henfner No IV, the [strikethrough] aim of [/strikethrough] reason for her visit turned out to be curiosity. She was anxious to know, details [strikethrough] from [/strikethrough] about my emotional (non existent) life, whether I have a “friend” or not. [strikethrough] I always told you, she is a charming person. [/strikethrough]

This afternoon I have seen four or five, separately posted G. armed guards vie Elisabeth Bridge- Szebeny Antal square. This was not before.

Last edit about 3 years ago by kvance
Displaying pages 36 - 40 of 211 in total