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Steam Heat Bath Electric Light

The Dakota
S. D. Dinneen
Cafe in Connection.

Huron. S.D. Oct 21 1915

I must write a few lines to
you in regards to the sentence
of a man that has been filling
a place that few men could fill
and none that would not deny them
selves of many nescessaryes of life
and it is only reasonable and
Human to take time to consider
Before you allow a rash act to
be committed. It is very easy to
fabricate evidence to accuse an innocent
person if there is a predjudice
against him. The sadest thing
of tongue or pen the sadest is
it could have been some one
else. While I am in favor of Safety
and protection I am not in favor
that an innocent person Should
loose his life. Yours truely Wendell
. in regards to Hill.

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