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7 revisions
livrum at Apr 11, 2022 01:42 AM

Page 1

Chief River Falls, Minn., March 8, 1915
Governor Wm. Spry,
Salt Lake, Utah.
Dear Sir:
We, tthe undersigned, American citizens believing in fiar
play and that no man is guilty until proved to be so beyong a rea-
sonable doubt, hereby petition that you use your influence and office
in behalf of Joe Hill, who has been convicted of murder and sentenced
to be shot in your state. We petittion that his execution be delayed
and that he be given a fair opportunity to prove his innocense of
which we are convinced. The fact that Joe Hill was a member of the
I.W.W. Organization seems to have been the strongest evidence
against him. No man should be condemned because he belongs to a
certain organization or political party and woe unto Amereica if
such will be the established law. Neitthere should any man be con-
demned and sentenced to death on such flimsy evidence as was pre-
sented in the case of Joe Hill. On behalf of humanity and the
American idea of a square deal, we ask that you stay the execution
of Joe Hill.

C. E. [Illegible] Frank Mausley
Claus Jacobson S.H. [R?]
O. A. Naplin W. H. Quick
A. B. Haugen [ Einal Selotad]
P.L. [Siltauney?] L. Frost
Jax Shafen S.G. Rumhann
Kurt Sappagard Oscar J. Johnson
Arne E. Sandres Martin Andersson
N. D. Halerson Cleff Wagner
Peter Harvestad L. J. [illegible]
H. Rivtad Chas. Fiterman
H. P. [Ohm?] [Illegible]
O. Christofferson Peter A. Nelson
L. W. Fosser Oh. Dergaard
E. J. Eberhardt P. A. [Illegible]
Ed Odelm

Page 1

Chief River Falls, Minn., March 8, 1915
Governor Wm. Spry,
Salt Lake, Utah.
Dear Sir:
We, tthe undersigned, American citizens believing in fiar
play and that no man is guilty until proved to be so beyong a rea-
sonable doubt, hereby petition that you use your influence and office
in behalf of Joe Hill, who has been convicted of murder and sentenced
to be shot in your state. We petittion that his execution be delayed
and that he be given a fair opportunity to prove his innocense of
which we are convinced. The fact that Joe Hill was a member of the
I.W.W. Organization seems to have been the strongest evidence
against him. No man should be condemned because he belongs to a
certain organization or political party and woe unto Amereica if
such will be the established law. Neitthere should any man be con-
demned and sentenced to death on such flimsy evidence as was pre-
sented in the case of Joe Hill. On behalf of humanity and the
American idea of a square deal, we ask that you stay the execution
of Joe Hill.

C. E. [Illegible] Frank Mausley
Claus Jacobson S.H. [R?]
O. A. Naplin W. H. Quick
A. B. Haugen [ Einal Selotad]
P.L. [Siltauney?] L. Frost
Jax Shafen S.G. Rumhann
Kurt Sappagard Oscar
Arne E. Sandres
N. D. Halerson
Peter Harvestad
H. Rivtad
H. P. [Ohm?]
O. Christofferson
L. W. Fosser
E. J. Eberhardt
Ed Odelm