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Status: Complete

Oct. 8, 1915
Mr. Wm. H. Wattis,
Gen. Manager, Utah Construction Co.,
Ogden, Utah
My dear Mr.Wattis:
In view of the fact that a campaign conducted on
behalf of Joesph Hllstrom, convicted of the murder of Mr.
Morrison and his son, has developed as one of the principal
claims why leniency should be extended, a story to the
effect that said Joseph Hillstrom (or Joe Hill as he is com-
monly known) was formerly an employe of the Utah Construction
Co.; that he was a leader in strikes of the employes of said
Company and was largely instrumental in forcing the Utah
Construction Co.; to the terms of the labor element; that
because of his activity and success in these labor move-
ments, he incurred the enimity of your company; that a
murder was trumped up by the Utah Construction Co. and said
Hillstrom railroaded through the courts to prison.

For the information of the Board of Perdons and with
the idea of gaining as much information as possible con-
erning Hillstron's past record, I would appriciate it very
much if yoy would advise me, by early mail, if he was ever
connected with your Company in any capacity and whether he
was ever prominent in any strikes against your company.
Very truly yours,

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