29 Sun. Pleasant day but changes cold and windy at night fall 30 High N. wind all day. Digg potatoes Oct 1 Pleasant again. A most propitious time for gathering the fall cops 4 Fin and self have gathered 50 Bush. of fine peach blow potatoes this week Have also drawn 3 or 4 loads of corn 5 The week ends with a copious fall of rain which is very refreshing 6 Sun. M. at Ch. p.m. 9 Frances M. Gardner called a.m. 10 Cloudy but pleasant. Drove a.m. to Glens Falls. The road is good. Called at MacD’s. He goes with Francis M. and her husband to Norwalk and from there to Chicago &c. 11 Pleasant and dewy morning Lowered the down end of the E. shed gutter Rain and showers p.m. 12 Rain continued 13 Sun. Church a.m. Comm.
Oct 19 1867 Ends a week of pleasant weather the last 3 days beautiful and warm Therm. ranging at summer heat p.m. Have nearly finished digging the potatoes about 80 B. in cellar. The corn also is all drawn in. Our share of the closer lot corn work by Henniman is about 100 B. or rather more Have driven twice to Sandy H. in car. 20 sun. Weather continues pleasant and mild M. and Ft at Church a.m. 27 Sun. Another pleasant week ends Frosty nights and fair delightful days Have plowed 6 days a.m. This week finishing the south part of the swamp lot The potatoes all dug but left in the field in the wagon R. Downey dug the last on shares Frank has sold the grey horse 200 28 Plowing a.m. Three rail road men came to ask the damages for crossing the farm with the track 29 Change in the weather Light rain to day 30 Cool and cloudy day 31 ends Oct. The mo. has been unusually beautiful and pleasant Copious rain last night.
Nov. 1 Plowing a.m. The ground heavy and wet 2 Finished plg in the swamp about 4 acres Clouds and sunshine with high wind p.m. 3 Sun. Cool and cloudy. M. at Ch. p.m. 4 Rain last night. Damp and muddy to day Fort Ed. a.m. Horse shod all round $1.40 Had the cutter sharpened & the holder mended 5 Plowing the S. west lot for oats & seeding 6 Cold with snowflakes. Ran the plow 7 Ground frozen. Too hard to plow M. and Fin took stage for Glens Falls Fort Ed. bridge is repaired & safe again Took Downeys share of potatoes over 8 M. returned Charlotte bro’t her from S.H. 9 Pleasant. Plowed all day 10 Sun. Church a.m. Comm. 11 Change in the weather. A cold storm to day. Snow and sleet Finished plowing the south W. lot 15 Cold and frosty since Sunday. The ground is frozen Winter is at hand and at foot too. A terror to the old & rheumatic 16 Light snow ½ inch Drew manure on stone boat. The day ends cold and windy
1867 Nov 17 Sun. Cold and a flurry of snow p.m. No church. Dom. B. gone to convention Frank to dinner. M. to Presn. Ch. p.m. 18 Winter seems to be begun. The ground is frozen hard. Therm. 12 degrees below freezing 19 Bright morn but bitter cold 10 degrees 25 lbs flour 16/- Sandy H. a.m. with M. in carr. Arthur is sick. Load saw dust p.m. 20 Stormy. Light snow falling Went for another load saw dust Paid Murphy $5 for boots yesterday leaving 8/- due to him. The price of boots $6 21 The weather continues cold ranging 10 to 20 degrees below the freezing point Saw dust a.m. Fixing harness p.m. 22 Cloudy o.m. Went for saw a.m. Ground frozen hard. The wagons rumble like winter 23 Saw dust a.m. Sandy Hill p.m. 24 Sun. Damp and lowering. M. at Ch. a.m. 25 Misty and mild. Frost coming out. Saw dust a.m. Sandy Hill p.m. Arthur is not so well yesterday & to day 26 Rain a.m. Sent the Ellis cow to Arthur 27 Plowing all day. The weather is mild and the frost out of the ground
28 National Thanksgiving. M. started for Sandy H. to dine H. staid home to delve. The more fool he they say Nov. weather. Lowering and snowy a.m. Plowing p.m. the undrained land 29 Foggy dank and dismal. Plowg. A.m. Rain p.m. 30 Change in the weather. A fierce winter wind blowing and the ground freezing fast Took 3 bags grist to mill for the stock Arthur is not so well to day. His carriage came p.m. for Mother to go up. Bo’t 25 lb flour at the mill 16/- Nov. ends with a cold freezing night Dec 1 Sun. Fair and cold. Therm. 6 degrees above 0 M. returned from Sandy H. p.m. 2 Snowing lightly about an inch 3 Working. Jerry O.B. came to work for us Tel. from Char. Arthur continues quite sick 4 Cold and fair. Killed the pork a.m. Sandy H. p.m. with Fr. Arthur is very sick Doct. C. is with him almost constantly 5 Cloudy but still cold. Cut up the pork about 500 lb of it in the two hogs Sandy H again p.m. with Fr. Arthur is a little easier to day. Doct. C. was there