


Status: Complete

State of Maryland Sa'

At a General Court for the Western Shore of the
State aforesaid begun and held at the City of Annapolis on the second
Tuesday of May being the thirteenth day of the same month Anno Domini
seventeen hundred and ninety four and in the eighteenth year of the
Independence of America.


The honorable Samuel Chase Esquire Chief Judge
The honorable Robert Goldsborough & }
The honorable Jeremiah Townley Chase } Esquires Puisne Judge
William Goldsmith Esquire Sheriff Jno. Grimm Clk

In the record of proceedings of the same Court among others
is the following, to wit:

Elisha Lackland } Be it remembered that heretofore to wit on
} the seventeenth day of October seventeen hundred
against } and ninety two the Defendant by William
} Owings his Attorney sued out of our General
Lakin Dorsey
Court the State of Maryland's writ of Habeas Corpus directed to the
Chief Justice, Associate Justices and Sheriff of Washington County
in the words, & figures following, to wit: The State of Maryland Sa

To the Chief Justice, Associate Justices and Sheriff of Washington
County, Greeting: Whereas a certain Lakin Dorsey late of Washington
County is detained in the prison of our said County under the Custody
of you, our said Sheriff, at the suit of a certain Elisha Lackland of a
plea of Trespass upon the case and soforth; which said plea, as it is said
still depends before you, our said Justices, undetermined and we
being willing for divers causes, that the plea aforesaid, undetermined
as aforesaid, should be heard and determined before the Judges of
our General Court; therefore we command you that you have the
body of the said Lakin Dorsey by whatsoever name or names he
may be called in the plea aforesaid, together with the cause of his
caption and detention and all things thereunto relating, before the
Judges of our General Court, to be held at the City of Annapolis the
second Tuesday of May next, that the Judges of our said General

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