




Gentlemen 5th Rapa Rivers March 24: 1757

I have just now drawn on you for £ 70 - Payable to James Gordon which is 20 Pounds more than I gave you notice of by the Molly I need say no more to induce you to pay my Draughts than I have already I am Your Humble Servt Char.s Carter To Mr. John Hanbury & Company W Capt. Payne in London -----------------------------------------------Sir Rapp.a Virginia March the 10th: 1757

I wrote about a fortnight ago by Captain Randolph and Aselby via Bristol to desire Insurance on 25 Lhds of Tob.o to be sent by Capt Thornton whom I then expected daily in Virginia; since which I have received yours of October and December Date by the Everton, advising me of his stay at home for a New Ship, I therefore now desire that you'll insure the above mentioned number of Lhds by Capt Kelly (if not already Insured) at the rate of 11 Pounds by the Lhd which is according to your own valuation on the 5 Whds, and I may truly venture to say that this will be at least equal in quallity, there will be much more Leaf than Stem'd agreable with your Desire; I am Sorry it is not in my Power to make you a larger Remittance by Kelley which proceeds from a Shorter Crop by far than I expected, however I flatter myself if no unforeseen accident happens to be able to send you by the Return of Thornton at least forty Lhds provided he stays for a New Crop; I am obliged for the hint you give of the tying our Stem'd Tob.o which mistake I shall rectify for the future, I Cant Complain of your last Sale of my Tob.o Espetially as you

Last edit over 3 years ago by Jannyp


4th My Draught on you for two hundred Pounds Payable to Cap.t Hylton however if you think proper to Pay it I shall take care that you dont Suffer I am Gen.t Your Humble Serv.t To Char.s Carter M.r John Hanbury & Company Merch.ts W Cap.t Hylton London --------------------------------------------Gentlemen Rap.a River March 16:1757

Inclosed is an Invoice of Goods the Copy of which was sent by Captain Wilcox who I am infor[med] is taken we Shall be in Extreem want of most of the articles therefore hope you will not fail to send them by the first opportunity to any part of this Country I want much to write for insurance upon Sixty odd Whds of Tob.o by Cap.t Croockshanks but as he is not arrived from New York as yet and there no certainty when he will I am at aloss how to act in regard to its being sent by the Baltimore however you may depend on receiving the above mention'd Quantity of Tob.o (unless it is taken on its Passage) as soon as an opportunity offers I have Indeavourd to have my Tob.o made as good as possable, and make not the least Doubt but that it will bring a good Price The Politicians will give the news I am Your Humble Serv.t To Char.s Carter M.r John Hanbury & Company in P Cap.t Payne London

Last edit about 4 years ago by barhawk


Gentlemen 3d Rapp.a River Virg.a Sept. 14th 1756

Inclosed is an invoice of goods which I Shall be much obliged to you for in March or April next at furthest our Crops for this year are not yet finished therefore cant be certain of the quantity of Tob.o I Inten'd to send you as soon as it is Inspected I shall write [to] your House for Insurance on Sixty Lhds at least I hope & I believe there will be a Ballance due from My Fathers Estate to Some Gentlemen in London [ ] I Should draw on you the next year for two or three hundred Pounds to discharge that Debt I hope the Draught will be Comply'd with The Politicians will give you a Better account of the War in America than myself therefore Shall leave it to them. I am

Your Humble Serv.t To Char.s Carter M.r John Hanbury & Company merch.ts London Be Pleased to Send by the first good opportunity a Spinett for Carter the Price Eight Guinea by Capt Wilcox ------------------------------------------Gentlemen Rap.a River Dec. 12th:1756

I have sent you by the Molly Seven Lhds of Tobacco which is every Pound I have ready you may expect Twenty Lhds. from me by your Ships next Summer (unless some unforeseen accident happens) which is much the greatest Part of my Crop I hope you'l send the goods I desired by Cap_t Wilcox by the first opportunity as I shall be in great want of them -- The Inspectors assure d me that my Tob.o is very good therefore I make no Doubt but that you will render a Satisfactory Acc.t of it the Quantity is so small that I have Shiped it without Insurance -- As you are not disposed to advance money I suppose that you will protest

Last edit about 4 years ago by barhawk


2d James River Virg.a June 1756 Gentlemen

The Executors of my Fathers Estate have Shipt all the Tob.o belonging to it which prevents my sending your House any this year according to promise I have just now taken possession of my Part of the Estate therefore hope to make amends by Shiping to you for the future at least. 50 Lhds yearly The two Dozen Silver Spoons mentioned in the Ship Note was by some mistake or other left behind I am Sure of it because I saw the goods open'd and Search'd carefully for them if you can depend on my word be Pleased to Send me two Dozen instead of them by the first opportunity The Furniture I am well Pleased with I am Gen.t Your Humble Serv.t To Char.s Carter M.r John Hanbury & Company by Cap.t Isham Randolph --------------------------------Gentlemen James River July 27:1756 To a pair of Neat Tabby Stays To ap.r of Red Sattin Shoes w[ith] Silver Shapes -To two p.r of Breeded Calimines To two p.r Black Everlasting w[ith] Silk Lace To a Gause Apron I Shall be much obliged if you'l send the Above mentiond Goods by Favour of Captain Isham Randolph or some other Safe Hand this Fall I have given Cap.t Edward Randolph Junior an order on you for forty Shillings which I hope will be Comply'd with -- In all Probability there will be Large Crops of Tob.o made in Virginia this year I Shall do every thing in my Power to dispatch your Ships the next Season I am Your Humble Serv.t To Char.s Carter M.r John Hanbyry & Company Merch.ts By Capt B[illegible] Wright London

Last edit about 4 years ago by barhawk


Page the 1st James River Virg.a Aug.t 28:1756 M.r John Hanbury

Sir The inclosed Paper contains a few necessary Articles which are not mentioned in an Invoice I have lately Sent you by the Charming Nancy Henry Palmon your Compliance with this together with the former will much oblige . Your very Humble Serv.t -To Char.s Carter M.r John Hanbury Merch.t in London --------------------------------------James River Virg.a May 3.d 1756 --

Gentlemen [upside-down writing September 10.t 1779] The goods sent me by Captain Crookshanks are arrived Save and I believe in good order tho I have not yet seen them. The Chariot by Capt Necks I am in a more particular manner obliged to your House for. I drew on you four or five Days ago for Fifty Pounds Sterling payable to M.r Charles Orsborne which I hope will meet with Honour I hope I Shall be able to send you some Tob.o by Cap.t Easton but it is uncertain what Quantity, I Shall defer writing till Cap.t Isham Randolph Sails which will be till the latter end of the month at farthest I am much obliged to you for expressing so great a Regard for my Interest and be assured that so long as it is to my advantage to send my Tob.o to you I Shall Ship very little to any other Merchant in England or Elsewhere I am your Humble Serv.t To Char.s Carter M.r John Hanbury and Company

[mathematical equation written upside down]

Last edit about 4 years ago by barhawk
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