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The Sally Hemings
Vol 1, No. 8

Well, well, well. So the University of Virginia is finally a tax-supported institution. And the taxpayers, to use Governor Holton's words, are "fed up" with aspects of our protest. How interesting that our state leaders are now anchoring their arguments on this taxpayer question; interesting because the students for several years have been pointing out that U. Va. , as a upblicly supported institution, has an obligation to serve all the people of Virginia. That speci-
fically includes the 20 per cent of the population which is black, the 50 per cent which is female, and a great many poor whites. All along, we have been met with an amazing silence. It has taken demonstrations, lawsuits, and student pressure to begin to open the school to these groups. In short, the University has been a public school with aspirations to be a private, gentleman's University.

ENTER THE DOUBL STANDARD Now that the students have dared to challenge a corrupt foreign policy hacked by many state leaders and politicians, we suddenly become a tax-supported institution. We welcome those who now admit this to the ranks of the enlightened, however, we suspect that if the students were demonstrating in favor of the war, there would not be a single peep from the mouths of our self-righteous critics.

Now that he has called forth the taxpayer spectre, our Governor should move to make this school representative of the entire state. He can begin by backing a black and poor white recruitment program. He can also act to see that the Board of Visitors represents the people instead of a few giant corporations. How about a few women, blacks, and poor whites, too?

About forty years ago, a U.S. Senator and an American historian espoused the Wisconsin idea--that a University and a community should serve each other. The Senator was Robert LaFollette; the historian. Frederick Jackson Turner. Time has since tarnished this valuable precedent. LET US RESURRECT IT, LET US UNITE.

THE JOHN WAYLES MEMORIAL SPIRO AGNEW PRIZE: To Channel 8 in Richmond for this objective remakr when questioning State Senator Ed Willey: "A lot of those demonstrators are coming from off the campus and stirring things up..." (Better look under those beds tonight, folks.)

STUDENTS: Support President Shannon's move to support us before he is crucified by Virginia's wrinkled old men. Right on!

Hear ye, Hear ye!
Ye Third Continental Congress is now in session!

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