



Status: Complete

The Sally Hemings
Vol 1, No. 10.


We've been hearing a lot of talk these days about how the University of Virginia must not adopt a political stance. Whether this is true or not can be debated endlessly be the adademicians and quasi-academicians of the state, so we will not debate it here. It should be made clear, however, that the University is about to become a political football as a result of the May 10 speech by Edgar Shannon.

The wrinkled old men in Richmond are rumbling and are out for blood. Right now, there is a rather ugly comparison being made between U. Va. and V.P.I., and we can guess that in the eyes of the Governor's Mansion, the savior of Virginia youth is your hero and ours, T. Marshall Hahn. A quick check of the scoreboard shows Hahn is ahead 107 to 68. Not only is Hahn ahead, but Mr. Shannon apologized for the high score and told the team ow proud he was of their school spirit.

We don't know if you remember it or not, but last summer, T. Marshall ran for Governor. He got on the Battle Wagon after the primary, but chances look good that he'll get into the race again. We don't need a man in Richmond who chalks up brownie points for each student head that is cracked at Tech.

Mr. Shannon may not be running for Governor, but right now he is running for the presidency of the University. A dump-Shannon drive now is a pure political play to pump blood into the die-hard Democratic machine and to outflank the Republican party hawks who see a chance for political mileage. Among other things, U. Va. doesn't need a new leader of the Hereford-Godwin ilk or a governor who slides into office brandishing the slippery stick of law and order.


THIS STIKE HAS BROUGHT TO MANY OF US AN AWARENESS of the need for better relations with the community. There has been much talk, but little action. Today, it came to our attent-
ion that the Charlottesville-Albemarle Neighborhood Youth Corps owns some fine equipment for a learning laboratory. The people at the NYC offices are looking for someplace to set up this learning lab. Ideas, anyone? (The Air Force ROTC building would be nice, wouldn't it, folks?)


TODAY'S PORK FUTURES. Hahn stockyards in Blacksburg reports the delivery of new uses for pork bellies. As a result, both the cost and supply of porkers in that area has risen, although the demand for them is being expressed only by a few hungry politicians.

A WARNING TO CERTAIN ADMINISTRATION OFFICIALS WHOSE MOUTHS ARE WATERING FOR MR. SHANNON'S JOB: if the President goes, the state's politicians will probably clean house throughout the University administration. For your own sake, you had better join us in defending Mr. Shannon.

THE TIMOTHY MATLOCK-BRENDA STARR AWARD TO: The Richmond Times-Dispatch for moving Dick Tracy to the editorial page.

VETERANS FOR PEACE. Now forming. Contact Griff Ellison, 6 University Circle. 296-8522

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