




The Sally Hemings Vol 1, no.14


Every few issues since no. 1, the Sally Hemings has run a short rap about racism. We've tried to point out that we're prey to the dread disease at one time or another and that we should, as it were, leave reason free to combat it. Perhaps we've been too vague for, we are sorry to report, racism is alive and well at the University of Virginia. Those few of us who were over near the Rotunda Sunday night saw it.

As some of you may know, on Thursday, May 15, 1970, two students were killed by police at Jackson State College in Jackson, Mississippi. More were wounded.


The state police claim there was sniper fire during a confrontation between those keepers of the peace and Jackson State students. As we learned earlier this month the method which our various armed forces use to stop imaginary sniper fire is to shoot into the crowd. They did. Two days later we had a poorly attended memorial service.

On Monday, May 4, 1970, EXACTLY THE SAME THING HAPPENED AT KENT STATE UNIVERSITY IN KENT, OHIO. The same night we had a well-attended, impassioned DEMONSTRATION!

We hate to suggest it, but we're beginning to feel that you folks out there aren't very honest.


Women are affected by the war too and can do their part in overloading the Selective Service System, without breaking any laws of course. They have merely to write their local boards, signing only their first initial and last name, and saying that they are over eighteen and haven't registered for the draft, and either that they refuse to do so, or that they want to know what to do about it.

Call Charlottesville Draft Resistance if you would like to join one of the revolutionary cadres of draft board hasslers. Support the Resistance in its community canvassing. Bring your own posters; C. D. R. will supply the leaflets. Get in touch with Dave Giltinan at 296-6484 and let him know whether you favor civil disobedience or simple obnoxiousness as a tactic.

SO YOU'RE NOT POLITICAL; so you don't believe in demonstrating in the streets; there is still something you can do to help bring a speedier end to the war. It's a small thing really: all you have to do is sign a pledge being circulated by the National Austerity Council (P.O. Box 4271, San Francisco California, 94101). What this pledge boils down to is a dollar boycott. You pledge to buy nothing but essential food items, to cash all U.S. Government bonds, withdraw all personal savings in banks, savings and loan associations and credit unions, attend no paid entertainment, and to drive as little as possible, sharing transportation to the maximum extent. Turn off the faucet that fills the bloodbath!

THE BENEDICT ARNOLD'S BOOT AWARD TO: Our own Henry J. Taylor of Farmington, who is apparently keeping up his old ties with the CIA. The CIA, in the tradition of the Bay of Pigs, evidently has located the source of the Student Movement in a smll airport outside of Prague. Says Hank, it's financed by Red money. Any of you conspirators received any bad czechs lately?

THE CAPTAIN THOMAS PRESTON AWARD and a free lesson in that new Establishment dance, the Goose Step, to: Harry Byrd, Jr., for his remarks yesterday to a Richmond business group. The Byrd said demonstrators at Virginia should have been dealth with "along the lines VPI has."

THE JOHN WAYLES VOLKISCHER BEOBACHTER AWARD and a pound of bat guano to: The Richman Times-Disposal just for being its usual lovely, charmin' self.


Last edit about 4 years ago by jlc5f
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