




The Sally Hemings Vol 1, No.17


The Andersonville Trial was played last night on the tele. We use "play" advisedly for the experience is all too real to 20th century citizens. The plot is the same as that of Nuremberg: to whom is a man responsible in war -- his commanding officer or himself?

From our position as supposedly enlightened members of the human community, the answer may seem obvious. Self and conscience, of course. No other man rules our soul and we must act as our personal moral code demands. The outcome of any war trial is thus predetermined. A man who obeys an order defined by his society as an "atrocity" is guilty of murder.

But we mustk look deeper than this. We must consider who we are condemning, and why. The fighting calibre of a soldier is high but he is the common man after all. Perhaps it is asking too much of an ordinary person like you or me to constantly check the morality of what he is about to do, especially in war. For standards of conduct dictate that he kill as many as possible and few questions are asked. When engaged in destroying life, one can hardly afford to be selective.

It is, therefore, singularly hypocritical for a society which demands murder on a large scale to suddenly demand that one individual be held responsible when he dosen't kill by the rules; and, furthermore, that he explain his motivation for doing so. Perhaps this is the greatest atrocity of all: to attempt to wring from a man his confession of lack of faith in himself and to them condemn him for it.

STRAIGHT FROM THE PARROT'S BEAK "Reliable" (?) sources in Washington say that Harry Byrd is on the edge; that he is really undecided on the attempt to restore to Congress its rightful powers over foreign policy. Hah! Mr. Byrd is merely practicing that ancient political art of playing both sides against the middle so as not to have to take a public stand. Ancestral traits die hard.

We believe Mr. Byrd actually favors the Nixon policy. In fact, two of his aides said just that to the Virginia Veterans for Peace yesterday. (Old Harry will support our fighting men so long as they stay in Viet Nam, keep their mouths shut, and do what they're told.)

AN INFORMAL NOTE TO EDGAR SHANNON: You took a big step the afternoon of May 10; one for which we students have displayed our gratitude. We have expressed support for you and have worked to combat the reactionary elements in this state who want your head.

It is indeed disturbing to note that you now seem to be playing to a different constituency -- the right. You should know that you can never be a T. Martial Hahn who is the example by which the conservatives measure you. It follows that if you isolate yourself from students, you may end up with no support at all.

"We, too, believe that the oppression of individual personality can find no place in the modern state. We do not, however, accept a bill of rights which tends to make the individual superior to the state and to empower him to act in opposition to society... Freedom therefore is due to the citizen and to classes on condition that they exercise it in the interests of society as a whole and within the limits set by social exigencies, liberty being, like any other individual right, a concession of the state."

THE GEORGE GRENVILLE-JOHN FOSTER DULLES AWARD TO: Senate Majority Leader Hugh Scott for his remarks that, yes indeed, the defense and survival of Israel are essential to the defense and survival of the United States. (Would you believe creeping Islam...?)

WE HEAR CBS is making a special donation to the Joint Chiefs of Staff for Pentagon support of truth in broadcasting. The gift? Five reels of yesterday's 6:30 evening news with Walter Cronkite for their enjoyment and edification.


Last edit about 4 years ago by jlc5f
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