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Ḳaṣr Iblîsū

There are three portals one to the west and one
to north and south. The windows are all in the
clerestory three on each face excluding the
east side.

The exterior * is well designed. A good base
mould is carried all around. Another moulding
is carried along the level of the windows and
over the semicircular tops, the cornice
is well moulded and is carried above and
below the pediments. In the western gable
is a window of the same dimentions as the
others, a richer moulding is carried over
it terminating in a spiral loop, repeating
the decoration of the portal. All other portals
are provided with foliate cornices ^ and jamb mouldings ^ but only
the western portal has the loops.

The apse wall is only as high as the
window mouldings of the nave, and a lean to
roof sloped from it to the lower level of the
main cornice. The walls of the northern apse chapel
seem to have been carried up to form a low tower
above the surrounding roofs.

*see photos

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