



Status: Needs Review

President, Hon. M.B. Castle, Sandwich, Ill.
Vice Pres. at large, Rev. O. Brown, Racine, Wis.
Rec. Secretary, Mrs. E.J. Loomis, Chicago, Ill.
Cor. Sec. Mrs. J.A. Mc Kinney, Chicago, Ill.
Treasurer, J.H. DeVoe, Harvey, Ill.
Auditors Mr. C.S. Darrow Mrs. C.V. Waite
Executive Committee.
Mrs. Sarah M. Perkins, Cleveland.
Mrs. Harriet E. Robinson, Malden, Mass.
Hon. Walter Thomas Mills, Chicago, Ill.
Mrs. Emma S. DeVoe, Chicago, Ill.
Hon. C.S. Darrow, Chicago, Ill.
Division Presidents.
Mrs. Isabella Beecher Hooker, Atlantic Division.
Mrs. Louisa Southworth, Eastern Mississippi Division.
Western Mississippi Division.
Mrs. Abigail Scott Duniway, Pacific Division.

of the United States.
Object: - Uniform and Equal Representation.
Motto: - This Nation shall have a new Baptism of Liberty. - Lincoln.
Willow Bank.
Racine, Wis., Oct 12 1903

Dear Mrs Colby,

Your two letters enclosed in one
envelope received. So sorry that
you are overburdened as you
are. I fancy that the matter of
feeling your life opportunities
"possibilities" relates to Mr Colby
Of course I am totally ignorant
of the whole matter, causes
conditions and whatever you
do or whatever is done I do
hope you will have a regular
allowance for your support

stand for that at all hazards
as to Zinka it is no use for me
to express an opinion, but I do
think you are overburdening

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