halls of Education's silence became the parlors
of ordinary chit-chat — and the old time-hon-
ored and discolored walls of Huron College be-
came resplendent with new glory and beauty
and were in readiness to look down upon
the merry-making of '09.
We returned to our several abodes and put
on our best garments and polished our shoes —
something we always do for this affair.
And then we came back. The workers of
the afternoon were the hosts and hostesses
of the evening. Arrayed in silks and satins
and serges they welcomed us and made us
feel young again, until the old halls were
alive with a chattering multitude and
the roar of conversation reminded us of
the Halloween revels that used to be when
the giants were upon the earth.
Who were there, did you ask? Why there
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