February 16, 1917 pg3




Status: Complete


identification disc?

Have been missing Maxworthy
ought to take a star shell course,
or else take a correspondence course
in how to be a linesman for a
wireless telegraph Coy.

Throw a hard tack biscuit at him
and if it doesn't wake him up try -
- oh well it would be a
shame to invest in a sledge hammer
and then break it over IT.

Would Aunt Mary want a couple
of our famous # 9's for her trouble? They
cure anything from a bleeding nose to
a broken back. She has been
attending too many pink teas so
when you give her medicine, make
her sick report M & D (Medicine and duty)

Poor Jessie. She will have to
bayonet a man soon. Where the -
deuce is Tom Hill. Just to think how
much her education is costing, and then
to waste her time on a mere man.

Wish I could talk to her for
10 minutes, but suppose she would

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