February 16, 1917 pg4




Status: Complete


tell me what a bold creature I
am, or declare war and war they say
is hell. If she want to fight obtain
some attestation papers for her.

I sure do remember Jansons but
it is a long time ago.

Well Sis have been in the
front line for a certain period
again since I wrote you last. Was
relieved "a few days ago" at 11.30pm
and told to head it for a certain point
about 7 kilometres away to get in
shape to take a 10 day course in
Lewis Gun. This was the night
I was so tired.

Well there were four of us and
we left the line about 11.30pm and
reached our first destination about
4.30am and found a place to sleep. We
slept until 9 and then had a breakfast
worthy of Uncle Scott, paraded for pay, got
our packs, had a wash and last but not least
was shaved by a real barber. I think he
was a barber but if I judged by the razor
and the way he used it, would say he had

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