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Portland, Oregon, July 9, 1872

Chairman Light House Board,

Washington, D.C.


I have to submit the following Report of Operations for June:
Cape Foulweather Lt. Station, Oregon.
Shipped metal work to San Francisco, as no vessel could be chartered from Portland to Foulweather except at exorbitant rates. Shipped stone work & miscellaneous freight from San Fran- to the Cape; also all the L.H. materials (per??? schooner) from Newport to the Cape. Completed grading about L.H. Site, and collection of sand. Continued work on Tower foundation. Transported all materials at top of Tramway to L.H. Site.
Probable Operations for July.
Transportation of materials from San Francisco. Continue work on Tower. Commence work on Light Keeper’s Dwelling.
Cape Flattery Lt. Station, Wash. Ter.
Completed & painted wood & engine house, & cistern. Delivered 25 tons coal from Neah Bay, in Wood House. Made drawings of completed work. Inspected Lt. Station. Left Fog Signal in charge of Keeper and one assistant, who did not wish further instruction in its management. Cistern has no water, and the Whistle can not be regularly blown (except for practice) early??? winter, without great expense. Will transmit at an early day, in-

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