


Status: Indexed

Office of the Light House Engineer
Thirteenth District
Portland, Oregon Feb 27 1873

Chairman Light House Board,
Washington, D.C.


I have the honor to make the following Report of Operations for the month of December, 1872.

Cape Foulweather Lt. Station, Ogn.
Put in new landing and 2 flights of stairs. Completed outer brick wall. Continued landing from Newport & grading. Completed inside white-wash. Commenced taking down scaffolding.

Probable Operations for January.
Commence putting up Lantern. Continue grading and cleaning up grounds. Haul materials from Newport.

Cape Hancock Lt Station, W.T.
Sent men & materials to L.H. Station. Commenced hauling materials to L.H. site. Laid brick foundation. Partly enclosed oil house.

Probable Operations for January.
Complete Oil-House, except painting & plumbing -

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