JOURNAL of Light-house Station at Cape Foulweather, Oregon
29: Light North wind these 24 hours - First part of 24 hours cloudy but dry weather - Last part of 24 hours clear fine and warm weather - Sea very smooth - Keepers painting on Keepers Dwelling - 1st asst also went fishing - Barometer 29.93 today.
30: Light wind S. East to moderate breeze S. to S. West these 24 hours with fair weather - Sea smooth - Keepers painting on Keepers Dwelling today - 2nd asst went to Newport to take Monthly reports - The barometer down to 29.76.
1: Light South wind these 24 hours with rain first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours some damp fogy weather - Sea smooth - General duties for the day - 1st asst went fishing - The barometer 29.74 today.
2: Light variable winds first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours light wind to moderate breeze S. West with frequent rain and fog showers - Sea quite smooth - General duties for the day - 1st asst went fishing - Barometer 29.74 today.
3: Fresh to strong breeze with rain these 24 hours - Sea quite rough - General duties today - 1st asst went fishing - Barometer 29.62 today.
4: Gale to fresh breeze South to S. WEst with rain first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours light wind to moderate breeze N. West fair weather - Sea moderately smooth - 1st asst takeing covers off of Coal oil cases - The barometer 29.88 - Keeper went to Newport after supplies.
5: Light wind East to moderate fresh and strong breeze St. S. West these 24 hours with hard rain most of the 24 hours - Sea moderately smooth - General duties for the day - The barometer down to 29.62 today.
6: Moderate to fresh breeze S. to S. West these 24 hours first part of 24 hours rain showers - Last part of 24 hours some rain showers but mostly fair weather - Sea quite rough - The barometer 29.88. Keepers cleaning and polishing chimneys Oil carriers and measures & cock on Oil butts.
7: Gale to fresh and moderate breeze S. W. these 24 hours first part of 24 hours rain showers - Last part of 24 hours fair weather - Sea quite rough - Keepers cleaning Lenes Lamp Reflectocs etc - Also putting 200 Gall oil in Oil-room and office - 1st asst went to Newport - Barometer up to 30.05.
8: Light S. W. to West wind these 24 hours - First part of 24 hours fair weather - Last part of 24 hours light rain showers - Keepers painting on Keeper dwelling and mixing pain - 1st asst working on his Quarters - The barometer up to 30.26 today.
9: Light N. East wind first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours light wind to moderate and fresh breeze N. West with fair weather during 24 hours - Sea a little rough - Keeper painting on Keepers Dwelling and mixing paint - The barometer 30.32 today.
10: Moderate breeze to light N.W. wind first part of 24 hours - last part of 24 hours moderate to fresh breeze N.W. with clear fine weather - Sea smooth - Keepers painting lattice of portch of Keepers Dwelling - 1st asst went fishing - Barometer 30.06.
11: Moderate breeze to light North wind first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours moderate to fresh breeze N. West with clear fine and warm weather - Sea smooth - Keeper went to Newport on important business - Left the station at 9 A.M. - 1st and 2nd asst whitewashing fences and showing visitors in the Tower - Major Post Light House Engineer for the 13th District with Col. Slickney??? and Major Sears arrived at the station at 4 P.M. Inspected station at left for Newport at 5 P.M.
12: Moderate breeze to light N. West and S. East wind first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours light South to N.W. wind with clear fine and warm weather - Sea smooth - General duties for day - Had two visitors - Keeper returned to station at 10:30 A.M. Barometer 30.00 today.
13: Moderate to fresh and strong breeze N. West with fair weather these 24 hours - Sea smooth - keepers whitewashing the garden fence - The schooner Kate and Anne is hunting Sea Otter along the coast - The barometer 30.10 today.
14: Fresh to moderate breeze North these 24 hours with clear fine and warm weather - Sea quite smooth - The barometer down to 29.80 today
15: Light variable winds first part of 24 hours with fair weather - Last part of 24 hours light South wind with thick fog - Sea smooth (continued on next page)
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May 6: "...Keepers cleaning and polishing chimneys Oil carriers and measures and ??? on Oil butts...."
May 11: "...Keeper went to Newport on important business - Left the station at 9 A.M. - 1st and 2nd asst whitewashing fences and showing visitors in the Tower - Major Post Light House Engineer for the 13th District with Col. Slickney??? and Major Sears arrived at the station at 4 P.M. Inspected station at left for Newport at 5 P.M...."