


Status: Indexed

(All communications should be addressed to "THE LIGHT-HOUSE BOARD.")

Treasury Department
Office of the Light-House Board,
Washington, 8 Nov. '94.

Commander O.W. Farenholt, U.S.N.,
Inspector 13th L.H. District,
Portland, Oreg.

The Board, at its session on 5 Nov., '94, decided to establish inexpensive beacon lights at Yaquina Bay, Oreg, at a cost not to exceed $300., to be paid for from the appropriation, Repairs of Light-Houses.

The Engineer of the 13th Light-House District has been directed to take the proper measures for the establishment of these lights. The Board requests you to take the proper measures for employing a laborer to act as keeper of these lights, as not more than ten dollars per month, each.

Geo F.F. Wilde
Commander, U.S.N.,
Naval Secretary.

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According to Annual Report of the Light-House Board George F.F. Wilde was Naval Secretary in 1894