1871-1900 Yaquina Head Lighthouse Letter books
1st Nat'l Bank, Portland, Ogn(1)
Keystone Portable Forge Co.(1)
Government agencies
Naval Secretary Rear Adml. C.S. Boggs(1)
Department of Commerce and Labor(21)
Office of Light House Engineer(1)
Aids to Navigation Section(13)
Office of the Light House Engineer Thirteenth District(1)
Engineer 3rd L. H. District.(1)
Office of the Light-House Board(1)
Officice of Light House Engineer Thirteenth District(1)
Anti-Aircraft Training Center(1)
Public Information Division(2)
Capt. W. Kelly Jr. fed Au. sh(1)
Hydrographic Office, Navy Department(1)
Inspector 13th L. H. Districts(1)
Inspector 13th L.H. District(1)
Treasurer of the United States(2)
Chairman Light House Board, Washington, DC(1)
Lifeboat and Light Stations(2)
Civilian Defense Organization(1)
Coal on the Indian Reservation(1)
U.S.N., Inspector 13th L.H. District(1)
Light House Engineer of the 13th District(2)
U.S.N., Inspector 13th Light-House District(1)
Illegible words
Aids to Navigation Officer(10)
Assistant Aids to Navigation Officer(2)
Associate Mechanical Engineer(5)
asst Inspector Lieut. Blish(1)
Mr. Watson brought 19 chickens(1)
Naval Sec'y Rear Adml T. A. Jenkins(1)
Naval Secretary Rear Adml. C.S. Boggs(1)
Naval Secretary Rear Adml. T. A. Jenkins(1)
Inspector 13th L.H. District(1)
Prof. Joseph Henry S. S. D.(1)
Capt. W. Kelly Jr. fed Au. sh(1)
Chief Clerk A.B. Johnson Esq. for Engr. Sec'y(1)
Col R.S. Williamson Corps Engineers(1)
Col. R.S. Williamson Corps Engineers(1)
Keeper Mr. Frank M. Plummer(1)
Commander of the Northwestern Sector, Western Sea Frontier(1)
Commander, Naval Air Bases, 13th Naval District(1)
Superintendent of Construction(3)
Commander, Northwest Sector(1)
Superintendent of the Coulee Dam(1)
Lieut Commander W.W. Rhoades(1)
District Attorney for Oregon(1)
District Coast Guard Officer(18)
U.S.N., Inspector 13th L.H. District(1)
United States Inspector of Boilers(1)
Engineer 3rd L. H. District.(1)
Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot(2)
Engineer Secy Maj. G. H. Elliot(1)
Major H M Robert Corps Engineers(1)
Major H. M. Robert Corps Engineers(3)
Harbor Defense, Fort Worden(1)
Anti-Aircraft Training Center(1)
Jefferson Point Degaussing Range(1)
Keeper and Mr. Isaac L. Smith went 10 miles up the coast(1)
Seattle Radio Station, Westport(1)
Lifeboat and Light Stations(2)
Light House at Cape Foulweather(1)
stowing away the oates in boxes(1)
Cape Disappointment Lifeboat Station(1)
Cape Disappointment Light Station(1)
Cape Disappointment Lookout Station(1)
Cape Disappointment Oil House(1)
Cape Dungenness Lt. Station, W.T.(1)
Cape Flattery Lt. Station, W.T.(1)
Cape Flattery Lt. Station, Wash. Ter.(1)
Cape Foulweather Light House(5)
Cape Foulweather Light House Station(1)
Cape Foulweather light station Ogn(1)
Cape Foulweather light-station(2)
Cape Foulweather Lt Station(1)
Cape Foulweather Lt Station, Ogn.(1)
Cape Foulweather Lt. Station(4)
Cape Foulweather Lt. Station, Oregon(1)
Tillamook Naval Air Station(2)
Cape Hancock Lt Station, W.T.(2)
Cape Hatteras, North Carolina(1)
Trinidad Head Light- station(1)
Office hall and Oil room floors(1)
Civil Aeronautics Administration Light Beacon Tower(1)
Pacific Coast of Oregon and Washington Territory(2)
Point Adams Lifeboat Station(2)
District Coast Guard Office(2)
Point Jefferson Degaussing Range(1)
Steamer Willamette Valley arrived today(1)
Steamers Willamette Valley & George Chance(1)
Light House Tender Manzanita(3)
Funk’s Hydraulic Float Lamps(1)
Quarterly & monthly reports(1)
quarterly and monthly reports(1)
General Railway signal, Type "SA" lantern(1)
Quarterly and monthly returns(1)
200 gall of mineral oil in oil house(1)
200 gals of mineral oil in oil room(1)
5th order lens, fixed 240° for Yaquina Bay Light House(1)
house and shop for the Lampist(1)
Army Service Craft Detector SCR-296(1)
Repairs & Incidental Expenses of Lighthouses, 1906(1)
Requisition for annual supplies from July 1st 1894 to June 30th 1895(1)
lamp and illuminating apparatis(1)
requisition for the annual supplies for station the next year(1)
lanterns & storm pane clamps(1)
lanterns for the 4th,5th and 6th orders(1)
lanterns for the Pacific Co. Light-stations(1)
Sixteen (16) cases containing Lantern(1)
sixteen (16) pieces casting part of lantern(1)
Cape Disappointment Oil House(1)
lighting of Foulweather Light(1)
Chart of the Western Coast of the United(1)
mail the Quarterly and monthly returns(1)
steps of dwelling and cellar doors(1)
Mr. I.L. Smith went berrying(1)
Mr. I.L. Smith went clamming(1)
tacking on cloth in his quarters getting ready to paper his rooms(1)
cleaning weeds from the brick walk around dwelling(1)
Mr. Watson brought 19 chickens(1)
new deed for the site at Yaquina(1)
tin, copper, and brass utensils(1)
Coal on the Indian Reservation(1)
Coast Survey Chart of entrance to Yaquina Bay(1)
Tracings of Beacons (one iron and one wooden)(1)
Office hall and Oil room floors(1)
Colonel Williamson's plan of wooden house and tower combined at Yaquina(1)
U.S.N. Inspecto 13th Lt. Ho. Dist..(1)
drawings of structures proposed for Yaquina Bay(1)
whitewashing fences and oil-house(1)
eave-troughs (galvanized iron)(1)
P. P. I. (position plot indicator) scope(1)
Experimental Range Markings(2)
first order coast lighthouse(1)
painting the pedestal green(1)
five hundred dollars in gold coins(1)
Yaquina Bay abstract of title to land(1)
photographs of water color views(1)