Oct 5, 1824; Apr 2, 1825; Sept 1825; Feb 28-Mar 2, 1833
Grastys Store Mount Airy 5 Oct 1824 I planted my Peach nursery at Green Grove this day. the nursery is 16 yds wide & upwards of Twenty yds long - Containing Twenty Three or four Rows ——— Jer. W Graves Dark moon in march, for planting forward Irish Potatoes, & the Dark moon in June for planting winter Irish Potatoes - = The 2nd day of april 1825 being Saturday it commenced Snowing in the morning, & continued untill ½ past Six OcClock in the Evening, the Snow is full14+ Inch[es] Deep, & Several poeple have began to plant Corn I have never seen the like before JWGraves
Daniel Ring planted me a Peach nursery on the place he lives in Septemr 1825 — J.W. Graves
1833 Thursday Evening the 28th & last day of Feby it comm= =enced raining and it Freezed as it fell & continued so doing that night,- the next day the 1st day of March it was cloudy & Rained Smartly & Continued freezing & in the Evening the wind began to blow & for several hours & never saw& heard the trees break so much in my life, they have so much Ice on them, on Saturday the 2nd Mar the Ice has scarcely melted any it being a very cold day the wind is from N. W quite clear & such a time I never saw in my life; the reflection of
Mar 2-28, 1833; May 13, 1833; Feb 26, 1835
the 222Sun upon the Ice on the trees, this 2nd day of Mar being so clear & the Ice so white on the trees my Wife Compares it to a Bride I omitted to state that yesterday the 1st of Mar it rained hailed & thundered & in the night snowed Just enough to cover the ground
Sunday 3rd Mar The Ice still remains on the Trees in a great measure the day not quite as cold as Saturday, but as Brilliant where the sun shines. Monday morning 4th quite cold this day the Ice on the trees has pretty much melted, Thursday March 28.
1833 It commenced snowing about 10 Oclock in the morning & Continued snowing very hard till about night,-
May 13th 1833 One of my Neighbors has Just informed me spirits of Turpentine will clear out the Lice upon Hogs. I shall try the experiment — = The same neighbor, Mr DJ has informed me what is good for Vermin on Cattle Viz –Take fresh Butter out of the churn without any salt & put it in a vessel on the fire - ¼th of Sulphur to a 1 lb Butter melt the Sulpher take it off & let it cool & add a little Jill spirits of Turpentine & then take a small portion & put on the animals Back all the way & the Vermin will soon disappear = It Commenced Snowing Thursday 26th Feby 1835. Sunday It Commenced again Friday the 6th March It snowed & Saturday the snow ½ Leg Deep My family that is My wife & Malissa both very Sick
November 30, 1939
On the 30th day of Novembr 1939 a man his wife & Daughter came to Our house on Saturday evening the man said his name was John Gardner his wife was a Miss Hunter from Augusta County when they rode up I being from the house they sent in the house to Know If they could stay all night, after Supper Mrs Gardner informed my wife her Daughter had married a Mr Bill & she, her Daughter had got a fall of her horse near Milton & she was fearfull she was hurt, that night late we were awaked & behold we were call on to send for a midwife & the Daughter of Mr Gardner had a child which child lived till the wednesday afterwards then Died they stayed with us till Tuesday the 10th Decr 1839 & started for Home — this statement is made this 10 Decr 1839 JW Graves
Nov 18-19, 1840; Mar 1833; May 18, 1844
Jeremiah White Graves son of Jacob Graves & Fanny his wife was Born the 8th day of August in the year of Our Lord 1801 —— = now is the time to serve the Lord the time to ensure the great Reward and whilst the lamp holds out to Burn The Vilest sinner may Return
How many pains [panes] of Glass 8 by 10 are there in aBox 50 feet
The 18th day of Novr 1840 it snowed all day we have Just finished Seeding wheat & getting on Shucking Corn began to strip Tobacco 19th — 1833 March JWGraves was Baptised by Bro John W Kelley pastor of said church
1844 May 18th My wife Nancy R Graves gave her experience to the Baptist Church church at Strait Stone & upon a profession of her Faith was Baptised by JasT McL aughline. the Pastor of said church JW Graves
August 1, 1823: math problem
A. & B. agree to purchase a Tract of Land Containing 300 Acres at $2 prAcre Each having Three Hundred Dollars, But A says to B., if youwill let me have the north side of the Contract, I will allow 13/6 & you may have yours on the south side at 10/6 pr acre, now I Demand what number of Acres each man is to have, and prove it by Acres & price
To do this sum you must suppose that each man agreeable to the Original Contract is to get 150 Acres a piece, But from the Circumstance of As making the proposition at 13/6 the Calculation is first made, & it appears that his 150 Acres at that price amounts to $337” 50¢ leaving a deficiency On Bs side of $37”50¢ now to obtain that amount B. must necessarily allow him (A.) 13/6 for 16⅔ Acres of Land, which will make each $300. Consequently A has 133⅓ Acres & B has 166⅔ Acres
Grasty Store Pittsy County
Jeremiah W Graves August 1st 1823