February 28, 1833 - May 4, 1833
1833 Sewed Peas the last day of Feby Planted Gourd & seed in the same month along the fence above the Cider Press & at the chimney of wheathouse Planted some in Garden in march 1833 Planted Irish Potatoes in the lane from the Bars to the stable on the 7th march 1833 Moon on the decrease Planted out some cloves about middle march Began to plant Corn 1833 apl 16th Planted Sweet potatoes - apl 17th Set the yam potatoe out the same day planted Goober peas cucumber simblings & snap seed the same day —————
aprl 10th planted cucumbers & Sewed peppers on the Branch, - planted E peas again the 11th planted more snaps this day Sewed flax in the hog pen the 11th aprl Sewed Hemp by the wheat house the 1833 12th & sewed do, in the bottom the 22nd aprl planted onions again the 12th apl planted or sewed Beets in the Garden & Sewed salsify Seed same day Finished planting all my old Ground in corn about the 20th apl planted cotton 23rd aprl 1833 Finished replanting our old field corn the on Thursday 9th may ---- 1833, Began to plant my new Ground in Corn, on Saturday about the 10th May 1833 & in Consequence of the frequent showers we could not finished it for several days = planting corn on the Branch 4 may 1833 planted peas every Saturday but one in may & that was a Rainy day so we planted the Wednesday = The Spring of 1833 I Suppose from
Oct 6, 1833; Dec 25, 1842; May 16, 1844; June 1, 1834
232commenced Seeding wheat 1833 about the 6th Oct & finished the 18th Sewed 11 Bus. 8½ Bus golden chaff & 2½ Bearded Sewed 3 Bus. lower field South side the Balance & Bearded seeded the other side & the Rye sewed in apple orchard suppose I sewed 2½ or 3 Bushels made 1833 in lower fields 11 Buls corn
¬-25th Decr About the 1st Decr 1842 it Hailed about shoe Deep - the 12th Decr 1842 it rained nearly all day & Hailed 13 Still Hailing, & the trees very full of Ice — = Smart Hail here on Thursday night the 16th May 1844 done no Damage because there = was no wind in it, fill moderate Form of an a/c agst overseers of the Poor To wet The overseers of the Poor of Pittsya - County on the order of IBC To WBT for frendres furnished D . IF [JWG signature] Dr. 183 June form of certificate & qualification to[?] Pittsya County Scl This day, IBC personally appeared before me & made oath that the above a/c was justly due him Given under my hand this 1st June 1838 T W C IP
Aug 19, 1828; Nov 13, 1833; Oct 31, 1836; Dec 10, 1836
1828 Augt 19th This day JW Graves leaves Pittsya & has left with his Brother Isaac W Graves a Ten Dollar Va note to the Genl P office & has also left with him a Bond on Amos Faris [unclear] & acct on Danl Johns to Collect also an amount on Capt Jno White == Take a peach slip & stick it in a Irish Potatoe in the month of march & it will grow — also take slips of any other Kind of tree & set them out and it is said that eight out of ten will live = On Wednesday the 13th of Novr 1833 before day in the morning was the the greatest sight I ever beheld, it happened while we were in Louisa, such an appearance of falling of stars never was Seen in this section, an overcharged of Electricity in the atmosphere & was falling like stars shooting = == 1836 Oct 31st myself & my family Started to Orange & Louisa to see our relations Fanny White sick & we got the hooping cough some in our trip We returned all safe & sound the 10th of Decbr 1836 sister Frances & John Henderson with us
February 1, 1842
1st Febry 1842 I had been at the House & Eat Dinner on this day as I Started my son Jacob wish to go with me I told him he could not go with me My Dear Nancy had gone in the Kitchen to put a ps of flax in the loom Jacob came in the House by himself & built a fire in a chair by the side of the Bed which burnt up the chair burnt all the coverleds someon the Bed & was burning the under bed & scorched the Bed burnt up my Wifes Bonnet & was very near burning up the House but was discovered by Malissa nothing else Seriously injured JWGraves
February 25, 1823
Mount Airy Grastys Store 1823 February 25th
A memorandum of my clothes, 1 pair fine mixed Pantaloons, 1 fine Blue cloth Coat, 1 pr Blue Pantaloons, 1 Ruffle Shirt, 1 white waistcoat, 1 nice white Cravat, 1 pr white Summer pantaloons, 2 fine Steem [Loom?] Shorts & 2 Cotton Do, 2 Speckle Cravats, 1 prcorded pantaloons much worn, 1 checked waistcoat, 2 pair checked pantaloons, 1 Stuff waistcoat, 1 white Cravat, - 2 pairs old Drawers, 1 pr Suspenders, 1 pr yarn stockings, & 5 pr Cotton Do, 1 pair Drab Cassmere pantaloons 1 Surtout, 1 Singing Book, 1 pocket Book, 1 Razor & Case, shaving Box, etc 1 pair Pumps, 1 pair Spurs, 1 Riding whip, 1 old fur Hat, 1 new Do, 1 Bandanno Handkfs, 4 pair Shoes 1 pair Bootes, 1 checked Summer coat, 1 Do, Homespun [JWG signature]