Charles E. H. Bates Family Correspondence, 1899-1930 - 2

This collection documents the experiences of a California family during the early 20th Century, including the First World War. There are 109 letters written by Charles E.H. Bates beginning in his childhood in Alameda, California, and ending in the late 1920s as he begins a career in medicine. Letters sent from California and France while Bates served with the American Expeditionary Forces date from January 1918 through May 1919. There is a larger collection of 784 letters to Bates from his family:  father, mother, and four brothers, as well as friends, including the woman who became his wife. Please note that historical materials in the Bates Collection may include viewpoints and values that are not consistent with the values of the California State Library or the State of California and may be considered offensive. Materials must be viewed in the context of the relevant time period but views are in no way endorsed by the State Library. The California State Library’s mission is to provide credible information services to all Californians and, as such, the content of historical materials should be transcribed as it appears in the original document.   




727 Paru Street June 4th 1918

My dearest Edward,

It was an intense relief to get your letter this P.M. Your father was on the phone from S.F. [San Francisco] (when the postman came) to know if there was a letter & Aunt E had rung me up many times in the last few days to know if news had come of you because we feared you were ill – the last letter was from Coronado – Sunday a week ago & you had a very

Last edit about 3 years ago by cgonzalez


bad cold & so when we did not hear as often as usual we began to fear you might be ill or had been ordered to France or something of the kind – Hence the relief –

Today letters have come from Richard Bates. One for you which I will forward. I hope you don't mind me opening it but we could not resist it – & thought you would not mind it will save your sending it back but be sure I let Les see it. Dick has had a letter from A.D. personally I am very glad she had the

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decency to let him know. I feared she had not from the way the whole thing was conducted but dear old fellow my heart aches for him I know he feels it keenly – However they were not engaged & she had a perfect right to do as she saw fit in the matter. Of course if she had a lot on the string just waiting to pick the most desirable that was not so nice – I am very glad you & Lesley Bates can see each other & go around together it is some [underlined] consolation – Les wrote a very [underlined] interesting but hair raising

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account of the trips he has made in the sky – they sound pretty bad to me –

I am delighted that you hope to be at that camp all summer dearie. I hope you will be – Jocelyn registers tomorrow. He has an affidavit from Dr Eaves which I hope will keep him from getting called out for a year at least. He Dr. E. has enlisted & asked for an immediate assignment he hopes to do "reclamation work" bone building etc. He says the Govt [government] wants that kind of men

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Nurse Drs. who can do that work. So he hopes to get into it.

I am very stupid this afternoon have had a headach [headache] for several days – will you ship this over to Les as I fear I can't get off a letter to him tonight.

Jocelyn Bates went up to the rice fields with L. last week & is offered work up there which he wants [underlined] to do. Can get no U.C. work this sumer [summer] – has tried all ways to do it – i.e. get some courses either here or at Davis that could be worth while – they won't allow him to go to Davis because he has had none of the prerequisite work you see

Last edit over 3 years ago by cgonzalez
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