


Status: Complete

Tues Aug 9 Pretty nice all day only
pretty warm. Lew helped to unload
a load of hay on to the top of the native
hay stack. Then he took old Kate down
to Gus Carsends and brought back a couple
of mares and colts then he finished
cradling around the wheat. Kib
raked and shocked the alfalfa piece
north of the barn. I irrigated right
smart over on the hill and tried to
some from the basin racks gate
but they have got the ditch gouged
down so much that I cant get any
water out unless the ditch is half full.

Wed Aug 10 Very nice warm day. We
got the piece of wheat ready for Mrs
Farrer then Lew cut the piece of alfalfa
north of the house. I irrigated potatoes
and alfalfa over on the hill but the
water from the Dry Creek ditch has run
down to 24 inches so it spreads slow.
Kib done sundry chores. Old Bess
had a nice spotted heifer calf and
we call her Star.

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