


Status: Complete

Mon Sept 4 Clear and very warm.
Frank went up to Will Walls and got some
colts for Dr Miller and took them to Turner
Seamans. Lew worked with the bees
and got quite a bit of honey and to night
we tried the sulphur cure and we can tell
in the morning how it has worked with
them. Kib irrigated and raked. I mowed
all day and have got the first field most done.

Tues Sept 5 Hot as ever with quite
a lot of wind through the middle of the
day. I mowed a little in the morning
and then helped to haul until afternoon
then come home and ground a sickle and
done sundry jobs to piece out the day. Kib
raked and helped haul. Frank worked at
hauling. Lew followed the bee business
until sometime afternoon then come
out and helped haul until most
night. Then broke the coupling pole and came
home. [in the left margin bottom to top:] 4 loads today

Wed Sept 6 It threatened some.
Sprinkled a little. Lew Frank and Kib hauled
6 loads of hay to day and stacked it at [Mr Henrect?].
I mowed all day and got that piece next 6
to Mr Hoags most cut.

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