p. 53




Status: Complete

Friday. March 5th Bright overhead, but the walking was very bad. In the afternoon Carrie and I made a lon call on Kate Hudson. Found Helen Stearns at our hourse on our return. Prayer meeting at our house in the eveing. Mr. Murphy came over in the afternoon. He conducted the meeting.
Saturday [there is a note placed in the center of the page obscuring much text]
[the note reads] Samuel married a friend of grandma's, Mary -- and prospered in the coffee business. He and his wife were happily married.
[unobscured text above note] Mary Reeve
[note obscures all but an occasional word on either side of note, until. . . ]
unearthly did it sound that I was overpowered and burying my face in my handkerchidf I wep. Soon it ceased and I looked up; the scene was changed: before me opened a large parlor in a distant corner of which reclining upon a sofa lay my own dear Sophy, that gentle one who

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