



Status: Needs Review

To Make Sasages

Take too pound of beef Suet, and one pound of Veale
poark, Shred them Very Smal, then take a good
handfull of Sage prettey Smal Shred, mix it
amongst the Meat with a little peper Salt and
nutmeg, Make them up with egg when you
use them, fry them with Good beef Suet.

To Cure a Cancer
Mrs Talbot.This attribution appears in the same hand in the left margin.
Take the Corns of the fore Leggs of a Stone horse or
a Gellding, wash them in white wine then dry
them in the Ouen, when finely powdered take
one good thimble full of that & halfe the
quantity of Mace in two spoonfulls of
Sack the first or last thing Morning & Night=
night & bleed a small quantity euery six
weeks. The Juce of Green Elder Leaues 2 spoon=
=fulls or that quantity of Syrrope made
of those Leaues is thought a uery proper
purge for that Cancerous humer,
A[bs]tain from Salt & Sower things as
much as possible

Folio page 221r, Scribe's page 469.

For A cansorous Humer
This page is blank; this recipe is written upon a note that has been sewn into the page.
Take the corns of a Stone horse Legs, wash
them in warm water; dry them in a cloth
and then wash them in whit wine, when
dry, put them into A pot that couer's
uery close, then put them into the ouen
that must be uery little warm, and put
it in o[f]en and when they are uery dry,
beat and [parch] them, then take twenty
Grains att a time, in any drink, in a Spoone,
washing it down, with some of the same tha
take it in the morning fasting and fast
an hour after it, if [uery] ill doe the same
att night goeing to bed

takeing this and being purged once a
week or fortnight, with mercureuos dulcus See Murcurius Dulcis.
cured what [wel] thought, A canfor in my
Mm Barron.

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This page was originally transcribed by Ian Faith as part of an EMROC transcription project in 2013 at The University of Akron.