



Status: Complete

Pepper water for diseases of thye head in black
Chirry wine or water, of thye heart in Some Cordiall
it helps heart burnings, [ai]lld checks all
looseness fluxes of blood or other thyyt strengthens
all parts, as thye Stomach Livor Spleen womb vertues
of thye Majesteria of Harts horne they are as
as of Gascoignes powder only it is more
refreshing! & bindes better soe it is more effectuall
in fluxes et&c
The quantity of thyat is from 15 or 20, to 50 or 6 grains
vertues of Ivory prepared are, To strengthen thye
liver spleen stomach & womb, it stop
gently all Loosness & fluxes in thye belly.
For the Small pox to take thye Spots out
of thye face or keep thyem from pitting.

Take one Gallon of white wine 8 pints of rosemary
flowers 3 pints of snailes one handfull of Balme
one handfull of flax seed 3 Lemmons sliced 3 sheets
of venice paper torn into little bitts A Pupy Dog
of nine dayes Old thye Snails must be washed thye
Shells being first taken of in 12 or 14 waters
then put in A napkin & soe hung up A while, thye Dog
must be killed & flead & all things taken out
of it & wiped out with A clean cloath thye head must
be throwen Away and they 4 quarters only vsed
put all these things Togather into A glass Still
& Distill thyem with an Indifferant quick fire three
pints of thye first drawing will be strong bu the first
is best and soe thye second & soe thye 3 then put to
each pint of water 2 ounces of thye best white Sugar Candy
finely beaten & Searsd by thye water must be first cold
before yow put it in, soe preserve it for vse.
The Countess of Oxfordons Juice of

Take A pound of thye best and Greenest english locoras
Scrape it very clean & cut it in thin slices thyen beat
it in A Plaine Mortar with 3 or 4 spoonfulls
of Damask rose water when you haue put itt
downe from thye Sides of thye mortar put in as much
hysop water as will cover it, soe let it stand
Strong, let thye 4th part of it fair water then
Stir itt well togather , and strain it throug an
Ordinary Thin Strainer as long as yow can gitt any
Juice out of it, then put it in A Skellit and
Set it on A quick fire Stiring it continually
& boiling it as fast as you can, makeing
it boil till itt be riddy To Rope then
Take it of thye fire & put in half A pound
of white Sugar Candy or browne searced stir
it well togather till thye sugar be dissolved &
let it stand till it be pritty cool in an
Earthen or putter Dish you must have A
pound and an half of white sugar Candy
beaten and searced to make it into past
only you must reserve some of itt so
Role itt up withall in what fashon
you please.

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