



Status: Complete


Lightness in the head

Take 3 or 4 mornings together new milk
from the cow; when it is boil'd put in Sugar
and a pretty deale of the best Saffron and
drink it fasting; & fast an hour or 2 after

Another for the Same

Take a quart of raine water, a pint of
Muskedine, a spoonfull of Rosemary flowers
dried, a spoonfull of Burrage flowers dried
a candied Nutmeg a spoonfull of white Sanders
boyle it till a pint be wasted, straine it and
Sweeten it with Sugar and keep it in a glass
and when you find any fumeing in your
head, take 4 spoonfulls morning & Evening

To comfort the Braine

Take womans milk of one that giues suck to a boy
3 spoonfulls of Redrose water 3 spoonfulls, & when
when you are in bed laid to sleep; snuff some of
this up your nose holding back your head, soe that yu
may hauk some of it into your mouth; This use often
in the day, but espercally in the Night when you goe to bed


For a noise in thee head or Deafness

Take Musk and Ambergreece of each a
graine bruise them to fine powder on a stone
then take 12 graines of pitch & melt it in
a spoone & put the Ambergreece to it & lett
it melt then put in the Musk, and stew them
altogether & hold it from the fire, and rubb it
out of the spoon into a Roule, & with your hott
hand against the fire, make it out into little
pollits as bigge as a barly corne but in the
fashion of a peare tie them in a little Sarcnett
and ever keep one of them in each Eare
and put new ones once every 4 or 6 dayes


Take Orange pills, and cutt it in long
sharp pointed peices, and hold it in
nostrills till it cause Neesing.


Take a Gallon glass filled with Lavender
flowers, fill it up with Spiritt of Wine or
Malmsey then distill the water
Mr. Mattins


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