



Status: Complete

To refresh the spirit
or the or the Stomake

Take Sea wormwood, spear mint Bottony
Marjorum, Rosemary, Balme, Burrage Savory
of each alike Quantity; and of all as much as
your still will hold: your Still being filled
strew on the topp of the herbs, 2 ounces of beaten
Cynamon, and soe distill as much water as you
can, and keep it all together.
Take 8 or 10 or 12 graines of prepared pearls
in one or 2 spoonfulls of the water in the morning
fasting, you may take it a week tohether or as of oft
as you please it strenghten the whole Body

For the Yellow Jaundies
Broom boiled in beer in Stead of Hops
and drink noe other for 2 or 4 Monthes
together hath holpen those that haue had
them long
Wind Collick
Take Camomile flowers mother of time of each
2 good handfulls or as much as you can steep
in the Wine, anniss seeds, fennell seeds Cummin seeds
of each half an ounce, bruise the seeds in a Mortar
and steep them in Muske[l]ine 24 hours, thus distill
them alltogether Drink it in Sugar

Take camomile flowers, carduus seeds
not bruised, 2 spoonfulls of seeds and
handfulls of flowers boiled in white wine
till neer half be consumed, and drink
it warm, it will expell the paine presently
Proved by Mr Shode
Sore Throat
or Mouth

Rp. Camomile flowers, mallowes and barley
flowers stamp them in a mortar with
oils of Camomile and oils of Lillies, but
first boile the herbs in running water till
they be tender then stamp them as aforesd
and plaister wise apply it to the griefe,
binding upon it the Wool of a black sheep newly
taken of the Neck; and anoint the griefe outwardly
with oils of Camomile and wash your mouth with
this losion. Rp. A pint of white wine twice soe
much spring water, a spoonfull of cleane barley
water, one branch of rose mary; as much rock allom
as an hazell nutt & twice as much Sugar candie boile
all those together till the barley is broken in pieces then
streine it & gargarise the mouth off it.

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