



Status: Complete

{Use}Take 2 spoonfulls att once of the
sirrup disolv'd in a little Malmsey
or Muskadine, first in the morneing
twice a Week.

A sirrup for thee

Rp Egremony scabees; Trumitory; Ceteretch
Tamarisk; the topps of hops, maiden haire
Borage Bugloss of each half an handfull,
boyle those in a quart of running water to
a pinte then straine itt, & putt thereto a qurter
of pare sugar, & boyle itt while any scum
ariseth drink hereof season spoonfulls
warme morning & Evening. Probat

For the Spleen

Rp Polipody an ounce Spleenwort harts
tongue borage Bugloss & violet flowers
of each one ounce, the pith taken out: scena
two ounces Ivory two ounces Glycoris 4 ounces
Anniseeds 4 ounces devide this staff into 2
or 3 himen baggs, and when you have breroee
4 gallons of good Alewort and tuncd it up

Into a convenient vessell then tye the baggs
at the bung hole till they may hang within
a Inch of the bottome hanging little peices
of Iron or gadds of steele with them to make
them sink downe, drink of this Ale with
a tost, Nuttmegg & Sugar half a pinte
in the morneing fasting, & att 3 in the
Afternoone, & use itt every day as long
as it lasteth. Dr. Sam: A :

For the Ricketts

Take Raisons of the Sunn & Currans
well washed of eached an handfull
Agrimony, Livorwort, & Bettony, of each
an handfull, or mince or torne Leaves of
harts tongue, a stick of Licorish scrapt;
and sliced into thinne slices one spoonfull
of Annisseeds grossly bruised boyle these
in a pottle of clarified Beere, or Ale
untill half be wasted, then runne the Liquor
through a cloath, & reserve itt for your use
Let the Child drink thereof 8 or 10 spoonfulls

att a time, thrice in a day, in the morneing fasting
at 4 in the afternoone, and at gooing to Bed, and
when itt is spent, make more, & Continue itt
for 2 or 3 monthes.

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