



Status: Complete

Lett all these be well dryed, & beaten to fine powder
searced soe often till all the dross will lye upon one
shilling, then make a possett of a pint, & boyle in itt
a wallop or 2 as much of the powder as will lye
upon a sixpence, if you be in your casting fitt;
devide your possett into 2 parts; & add to each part
halfe an Ounce of Syrrope of Roses
Probatt Dr. Alme
For the Splen
Rx Pollipodie an Ounce, Ceterach, otherwise
called Splenwort; hartstongue, Borage, Bugloss, &
violatt flowers of each an Ounce;
For to Heale

For to little after Delivery
Boyle a good many Marygold flowers in
possett Ale made with white wine soe drink
A Soueraigne Oyntment for an Ache
wrinch bruise or swellinge

Take a peck of Broome flowers, and something
better take halfe a peck of bramble leaves that runn


Upon the ground 2 handfulls of Rosemary topps
8 pound of fresh butter mince your herbes &
clarifie your Butter then putt your herbes into
your butter & boyle them together till you think
the strength of the herbes be boyled into itt; when
you haue done take them of the fire and couer itt
close & let itt stand 3 dayes & 3 nightes, then melt
itt & straine itt through a peice of course
canvass as hard as you can when you haue done
that sett itt upon the fire and melt in itt the
bigness of an Egge of wax; & an ounce of mace
beaten let itt boyle till you cannot see any
of your Juice of the herbes and in some of it
put in a quarter of a pint of Aqua Vitae for it
is good for cold Aches, & put into a pott & keep it
for your use, put your Aches, & put into a pott
and keep itt for your use, put your Aqua Vita
onely into that whichwhich is for the cold Ache. Probat
The Lady Burgoyne
For a child troubled
withthe Gripeing of Wind

Temp a little handfull of sweet Marjoram with
4 ounces of saxafrage water & streine itt out, then
put itt into 2 ounces of Syrrup of violett; Giue a Spoon
full att a time
Rx Some Anniseeds & beate them & searce them
mingle them with sugar & putt in a little into the
Mouth drye

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