



Status: Complete

A cold or Cough
Rp Elecampane rootes; beate itt into powder
and mingle itt in the purest English honey, &
give the parties everye morning 2 or 3 pills
of it
Probat Dr
To stanch the Bleeding
of a wound

Rp put first into the wound or cutt
greene Jsopp bruised & mingled with a good
Quantity of Sallitt Oyle; then take some horse
Tounge: and apply itt hott from Horse lay itt
thick upon itt and itt will stay the bleeding
butt if itt should faile apply Dogges Toung &
itt will not faile. Probat
For the Purples
Rp a pottle wort & purple silk & turmaracke
and couchaniall: and a graine of saffron & 2 graines
of harts horne boyle them in a possett drink, &
let the partie take theroeof bloodwarme
A restorition water for
a deep Consumption

Rp a pottle of Newmilk of a red cow, but all
a of a perfect colour, putt into itt Erringo rootes
an Ounce of Sparragrass half a handfull pickt
very cleane, 2 or 3 comfrey rootes, the pithes
taken out a hle sitron slices, some pine Apples
Kernells, halfe an ounce of Cinamon stickes
broken in pieces, a pound of blew Carrannes, a
good handfull of Rosemary flowers, as much Cow=
slipp flowers, lett these infuse in the milke all
night, then in the morneing, put it in your still
and put in a fleshie old corke haueing ouer night
made itt cleane from the Garbidge, and bruise itt
well before you put itt, & soe distill althogether
on a soft fire, it itt be so much divide, itt afford
ing as your still will containe, & reserve itt in Glasses.

You must take itt very often in the day, if the
Consumption caue drought take a little Juice of
Lemmon with itt, & sweeten itt with white sugar
candie, if illness at the stomack a spoonfull of
spearmint water, if the partie be to Costiue put in
Damaskrose water & sugar. Probat Dr Simon
A great Cordiall
against Poyson

Rp Anti dotum Mathioli in aqua Angolicall
and Cardis


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