



Status: Complete

An excellent Julipp for seavours
and for Wormes in Children; for
Livergrow, and riseing of Lightes
and for the Ricketts

RP an ounce of good Tamarinds; 9 pintes
of Conduitt water; sett itt on the fire & put
to it a Quart of White wine scum it till itt
begins to boyle, & scum itt; then straine itt
then dissolue in itt half a pound of white
sugar; & then pass itt through your strainer
againe, and so researve itt for your use, &
drink of it as much, and as often as you will
For a soar throate caused
by a congealed humour which
will lye & burne in the throate

Take Rosemary topps, & Jsoppe topps a
pretty Quantity & a good many red rose leaves
and some Raisons of the sonne; stoned & a
figg or 2 slices; and some Lycorish sliced,
boyle these in a pottle of running water to
a Quart, then streine itt & put itt in a spoon=
full or 2 of mel rosarum, or syrrope of megar
& gargell the throate when itt is well washed you may
swallow 2 or 3 spoonfulls downe you may use
it for a constant gargarisms itt will preserve
your throat from being soare. Probatum

Aliter 187
Rp red rosewater plantaine-water, and
Elder Flowers water of each of them a like
Quantity, soe there be in all halfe a pint
and dissolve therein as much Venice sope
as a good hazell nutt & keep it for your
use, when you use itt, take 3 or 4 spoonfulls
of itt & mixe itt with syrrope of violetts &
honey, of each a little, and soo gargoll the
mouth with itt warme
For a Canker either in Mouth
or else where in Man or beast

Rp french barley & boyle itt, let itt be very
cleare settled, then take 3 pints of the clearest
of itt, and boyle in itt red rose leaves, fiue leaves
grass & plantaine, of oath an handfull let them
boyle to a Quart, then streine itt, then putt to itt
syrrope of Mulberryes; syrrope of dried Roses; of
each an handfull halfe an ounce, rose vinegar 2
spoonfulls; oyle of vitrioll sixe dropps; if you perceiue
dropps of spocks to appeare in the pallett of the mouth
or on the Almonds of the Eares, you may boyle in the
water a little red sage rosemary topps, & scabious, &
when its boyled & streined putt in alittle verjuise
and a little burnt allome 92

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