



Status: Complete


Rootes an Ounce, the seeds of Cummin, Annis
ffennell & parsley of ii dramms slice the roots
bruise the seeds, and boile all these in a sufficient
Quantity of Water till one third part be wasted &
Dipp in itt spunges Wringing them out hard againe
from the liquour, and apply them successiuely hott
as may be suffered to the kidneys, and bottome of the
belly & all ouer the share bone. as one cooleth
apply another; lettinge none lye on when it is
cold, for the coldness bindes the passages and keeps
the stone streighter in them. The use of these
fomentations will both abate the paine and
Widen the Vreters to giue passage to the stone
After you haue thus fomented them, Annoint
the said partes with oile of scorpions warme
If towards the latter end of the boileing these things
you add half a pint of strong venegar the fomen=
tation will peirce soe much the more subtilly
The leaves of Damask roses being dryed in the shade
& kept all the yeare purge Choller very easily and
safely. When you use them take a good handfull
and boile them in milk to the wasting of halfe
the Liquor then streine & sweeten itt with a little
sugar & drink itt warme. An handfull you may
safely boile for a Child; for stronger Ages 2 or 3
handfulls as you shall see Occasion. Dr Hone
Wind to help
The powder of Ledoary as much as will lye on a
sixpence taken in some convenient Liquor
The Candied roote of Elecampana taken the Quantity
of a Nuttmegg at a time


Paine of the Eares
to ease

Rx sage Mii, Jsop mi, Rosemary mss. put these
in a little pillow, boiled in Rose vinegar, Aqua=
vitoe, & Rose water & lay it to the eare hot as
you can suffer it
Convulsion fitts in
Children to helpe

Take Treacle water ℥ii, black cherry water
℥iiii, syrope of stechas ℥iiii, conserve of convall
lillye flowers ℥ii; putt them up all severally &
in the use, Take treacle water halfe a spoonfull
black cherry water a spoonfull, a spoonfull like
wise of the syrrope and dissolve in them being
mixt the Quantity of a nutt kernell of the conserve
and giue itt the Child with the cold a little taken off
For one that
spitteth blood

Take the Juice of Bettony, temper itt with
good Milke and give itt to drink, It helpes
3 dayes


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