



Status: Complete


To stay thye bleeding
at the Nose

Take Rue, Amber scraped, and cast itt on the
Coales to make a perfume, which being receiued
att the Nostrills will stay the bleedinge

To stanch blood that
goeth out of Veine with
blood letting

Take Rue, seeth itt in water, after stamp
itt in a mortar and lay itt on the Veine then
lay about itt the Wool of a lambe that never
was washt. Else take Bole armoniack
temper itt with the white of an Egge; &
apply itt upon a fledgett of waxe

Bleeding at the
Nose to help

Take the moss of a Crabb tree, fresh from the
tree, and smell to itt, or chew a peece of Nutt
megg in the mouth, and itt will help. Else
take Alabaster burne itt & powder itt and with
the whites of 2 new laid Eggs red rose water &
red vinegar of each 2 spoonfulls make a mixture
beating them well together & applye to the temples


To draw out a Thorne

Take black sope about 2 hazell Nutts and
take 3 or 4 nutt Kernells, bray them small alone
then mixe with them a little Chalk and spread
thereof upon leather and apply itt plaisterwise

To break a boile push
or Carbuncle in a short time

Bay salt powdered; incorporated
with the Yolk of an Egge; It will draw
out the Venome of a plague sore

An excellent

Rx litarge of Gold ipound powder itt, then take a
Quart of Oile, Rosin 4 ounces Virgin wax ii ounces
oyles of balme & Mirtle of each a dram, honey
2 dramms a pinte of whitewine half a pint of old
Vrine well calified & half a pint of Vinegar; temper
all these together on the fire, but put in the Vrine last
This plaister will draw & heale a plague sore all Cankeres
fester'd wounds and sores

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